Saturday, August 31, 2019
Cola Wars: Profitability of the soft-drink industry Essay
Historically, the soft drink industry has been extremely profitable. Long time industry leaders Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola largely drive the profits in the industry, relying on Porter’s five forces model to explain the attractiveness of the soft drink market. These forces allowed Coke and Pepsi to maintain large growth until 1999, and also explain the challenges that each company is currently facing. The relative duopoly that Coke and Pepsi share in the industry allows for higher profits, while also maintaining enough competition to promote firm improvement. The first of Porter’s forces is the threat of new entrants. Coke and Pepsi have been largely successful because of many barriers to entry that limits the risk of entry by potential competitors. Coke and Pepsi both have strong brand loyalty, made possible by their long history and adherence to tradition. When Coke strayed from its Coca-Cola Classic formula, its customers demanded a return to the original recipe. Pepsi and Coke also share an absolute cost advantage over others in the industry. They developed superior production operations by buying up bottling companies and performing the service in-house. These companies also have large economies of scale, as they both operate internationally and together control 84% of the market worldwide. Additionally, government regulations have prevented competitors from mimicking Coke’s secret formula, as evidenced by their relentless defense of their brand in court. All of these factors have made it difficult for competitors to enter the soft drink industry. The second of Porter’s forces is rivalry amongst established companies. The competitive structure of the industry has allowed Coke and Pepsi to sustain high profits. The industry is essentially an oligopoly, with Coke and Pepsi dominating the market. The firms are hurt by having similar products that are relatively undifferentiated. However, diversification of product lines into carbonated and non-carbonated beverages has created some product differences. High industry growth from 1975 to 1995 also provided a reprieve from the competitor pressure. Franchising and long-term contracts created higher switching costs, historically limiting the effects of rivalry on the two firms. Porter’s third force is the bargaining power of buyers. This has always been low in the industry, and continues to diminish over time. The low number of suppliers does not afford buyers much room to negotiate. Furthermore, the abundance of distributor options prevented the bottling plants from applying pressure on Coke and Pepsi. Exhibit 8 also shows that both Coke and Pepsi were among the top five consumer brands most important to retailers, suggesting that they were on the losing end of the transaction relationship. Porter’s fourth force is the bargaining power of suppliers. Coke and Pepsi have always set their price. Bottlers were forced to buy concentrate at set prices, usually negotiated in the favor of Coke and Pepsi. The small number of suppliers limited alternatives that could provide the necessary concentrate to bottling groups. Coke and Pepsi have continuously renegotiated contract terms to decrease their costs and enhance profitability. These contracts eventually eliminated marketing cost obligations for concentrate producers as well. Suppliers became so powerful that they eventually bought their own bottling plants. Porter’s fifth force is the threat of substitutes. Initially, other products that could fulfill the same objective of soft drinks (quench thirst) were very weak. According to exhibit 1, carbonated soft drinks were the most-consumed beverage in America through the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, bottled water has become increasingly powerful, cutting into U. S. consumption. A growing health awareness has led to higher demand for non-carbonated soft drinks. Coke and Pepsi have largely met this threat by diversifying into other product lines such as water, juice, tea, and sports drinks. A significant factor that has also allowed the soft drink industry to prosper is the success of the fast-food industry. By partnering with restaurants such as Taco Bell, McDonalds, Burger King, and Pizza Hut, soft drinks have become a complement to this other profitable sector. Pepsi has taken advantage of this trend in its merger with Frito-Lay. While these five factors all contributed to making the soft drink industry very profitable, the industry is more recently facing challenges that could lead to declining profitability. Industry demand is steadily decreasing, as the United States – the largest consumer of soft drinks in the world – becomes more health conscious. Furthermore, buyers are now threatening to produce soft drinks themselves, such as in-store brands at Walmart. This has increased the bargaining power of the buyer. Though the future profitability of the soft drink industry may be declining in America, Coke and Pepsi have taken substantial actions to spread their brands worldwide. Each has a long-term growth strategy to saturate new markets, whether domestically or abroad. Coke has already taken control of many international markets, while Pepsi claims that its progression to the snack industry provides synergy in its business. It is undeniable that the competition between Coke and Pepsi has resulted in a multitude of strategies employed by both sides.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Complete Assessment
These Taft will all have extensive prior industry experience and formal trade qualifications. Further skills and knowledge training along with induction will provided upon commencement of the role. These staff will be employed to work within the retail stores. ; Development of new processes will be implemented to increase time efficiency and cost effectiveness. Each store will be provided with new office equipment such as photocopier, printer which is suitable for industrial use along with new computers and pad's .A let of delivery vans will be acquired in order to assist with the increase in sales. ; Staff will have sound expertise and be knowledgeable on products and services Training will be provided to all staff both existing and newly employed. Training will on all current and new products, office equipment, and revision Of service knowledge and multi killing practices with further training on increasing sales performance for staff employed in sales sector. Operational Goals Dep artment Goals Progress Goal Focus Reason/ BarriersDepartment Deliverable Due 2 3 4 5 6 To increase the services sales by 20% within a time frame of eighteen months. Recruitment and Training To puppies all staff with training to acquire service knowledge and be multi skilled To increase sales and staff skills. Head office Staff trained and pickled To increase sales and staff skills and knowledge at the stores Training programs implemented and delivered 10th Jan 2018 Retail stores 1 10th Jan Warehouse Employ 14 new permanent full time staff to work in the retail sectorTo increase sales with recruitment of 14 extra staff in the sale sector Western Australia Store Additional Staff recruited in sales sector To increase sales capacity by recruiting 4 additional staff in sales sector 4 additional staff hired for Western Australia Store 1 6th July Tasmania Store additional staff hired for Tasmania Store NEWS store.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Characteristics of the Classic Monster Movie
Monster movies took hold in the early 1930’s as a new spin on the horror-psychological thrillers beginning to debut. The monster movie genre as a whole has taken much criticism as to its merits, but it holds its weight in the box office with nearly 15% of all movie sales (Fischoff). And, while many things can be said about the monster movie as a genre, the monster movie can be taken apart and illuminated to pick out the three core, salient characteristics found in all movies of the genre: the type of monster, the psychological aspect of the monster, and the plot of the movie, or, more succinctly, the monster’s motive. Fundamentally, certain genres lend to certain types of story arcs. While the romantic comedy often follows a more character driven plot, where the characters find the meaning of true love, the monster movie follows a definable plot driven format. And basically, in the plot driven movie, the overall story illustrates the efficiency of a town’s characters and how well they are able to stand up to the monster, before, either they are killed or the monster is finally neutralized or vanquished in a final, climax of a scene. To be honest, the end result of the town and its people doesn’t really matter, and any ending is entirely plausible. But, the intrigue that makes a good monster movie is to be competently presented with the monster, the origin of the monster, and for the audience to discover what that monster wants out of the society they are terrorizing. While the monster makes the lives of the characters in the story miserable, the audience is torn between wanting the characters to win, or actually feeling sympathy for the monster because of the conditions presented surrounding that monster’s origin. Moreover, monster movie plots have been known to fit into the plot categories and monster types to such a degree that a generator was actually created by David Neilsen. Among the other completely hilarious and surprisingly useful generators to be had, the Monster Movie Pitch allows a user to create their own monster movie pitch by filling in the required fields. Once filled in, the monster movie pitch is instantly created and a visitor can do what they want with the results. Because this generator actually serves to illuminate the points within this paper, a short detour will be taken. With that said, the generator dictates that a male lead, female lead, and male sidekick are required, as well as a title. Then the setting must be chosen: either a dark and forbidding forest, a sleepy little town, a mental institution, at sea, or ancient ruins. Then the monster type must be selected: either the undead, extra-terrestrial, scientific abomination, creature of folklore/myth/legend, or nature gone bad. And finally, the monster motive must be defined: revenge, to feed, to protect its young, its slumber has been disturbed, or it seeks to destroy humanity. Now, let’s see what fun can be had. The selections have been made for the practice monster movie entitled, The Big Bad. The rundown: heroic Zack and best buddy Trent, live in a sleepy little town and will come across an extra-terrestrial, leading lady Emily, and who seeks to destroy humanity. Simple and sounds like a blockbuster. Plugged into the generator, here’s the actual movie pitch: Critically acclaimed Egyptian filmmaker Aslad Assop brings his nightmare back to the screen with The Big Bad. This long awaited sequel to his international hit, Gong of Deviled Oxen, reunites aggressive shepherd Huche Ramman (Zack) with his holy guide Hammotep (Trent) in their biggest adventure yet. This time, Huche discovers messages in the entrails of his sheep and the trail leads to an extra-terrestrial temptress (Emily) who wishes to use sin to destroy all of humanity. Now the temptress is invading Huche’s Sleepy Little Town of Grozer, Egypt and only Huche’s faith can save the world! Sounds better than some of the monster movies out there. Now, the purpose of the generator was not merely for amusement, though it was a bit of fun; however, it also serves to prove and illustrate the core, salient characteristics of the monster movie which are the type of monster, the psychological appeal of the monster, and the plot, or, motive of the monster. Because Neilsen states the monster types right out, it’s easy to realize, once they are presented in such a manner, that every monster movie (probably ever made) fits well into the categories, without even needing wriggle room. To be precise, Neilsen states that there are five basic types of monster. The first type is the undead monster. Now, the undead monster movie began in the 1930’s with Dracula and continued well into the freaky zombie thrillers of today like 28 Days Later and Resident Evil. The undead category is not only chilling, but is perhaps the most used of all the monster types. Even pop culture revolves around vampires, zombies, and the undead with shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Supernatural. This type of monster has the greatest impact on an audience because of the psychological aspect and appeal behind that monster. Moreover, the second monster type is the extra-terrestrial and is evident in movies like Alien, War of the Worlds and Predator. ET actually fits this category as well, though that alien is more cute and cuddly than frightening. Now, this monster type usually has the same motive, that to destroy all of mankind, and is the least escapable of all the monster types because they take more to vanquish than simple guns and grenades. Characters in these movies die rapidly and often, and do little but to illustrate the irk of the monster. The third monster type is known as the scientific abomination. This is an interesting monster category because it actually encompasses many different sorts of monsters, from Frankenstein, to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, to the Invisible Man. In all cases, this type of monster is created, even purposefully manufactured, and the outcome is accidental and tragic. The creator of the monster is often murdered, or lost to his darker evil side, and the characters again, serve only to be killed off as the mad scientist almost realizes his folly. The fourth type of monster is the creature from folklore/myth/legend. This category encompasses monsters from The Mummy, to monsters in The Relic, Cerberus, and After Dark. These monsters all have the same motive, and all, actually, seem to have become a plague to the characters because of that motive: being disturbed from their slumber, which serves to kill off most of the characters in the most violent and brutal method possible. Finally, the fifth monster type is nature gone bad. This fits the Armageddon sort of flick, where birds, bats, plague, or impending asteroids kill off a good portion of the characters. Movies like Stephen King’s The Birds, Armageddon, 10.5, and The Day After Tomorrow fit this category well. The problem with this last monster type is that it differs the most dramatically from the genre because a great deal more time is spent on character growth than on the priorities of the monster, being nature, but in the end, nature usually wins out, despite how great the characterization is. Furthermore, Stuart Fischoff’s study commented on many things monster but one conclusion was striking, that â€Å"film monsters have proven to be such unforgettable characters that in many instances they have become part of our culture.† In fact, they are unforgettable to the degree that â€Å"most Americans would recognize a picture of Frankenstein, Dracula, King Kong, Godzilla or the Mummy before recognizing a Supreme Court Justice†(Fischoff). This conclusion is not only remarkable, it is entirely true. John Rutledge is one of the most recently discussed Supreme Court Justices, but his name means nothing unless that person has been thoroughly engrossed in the newspaper for the past two years. On the other hand, a person doesn’t even have to watch Godzilla to know that Godzilla is a dinosaur-like creature that wreaks havoc on Tokyo or that Dracula is a vampire with unconventional vampire powers. Additionally, the second core characteristic of monster movies is the psychological aspect and appeal of the monster. This aspect can roughly be defined as not only the type of monster, but the character of that monster and what affect that monster has on an audience. Fischoff’s study was also to survey a group of people and conclusively determine who the â€Å"King of Monsters†was. Turns out Dracula wins, though not because he is the most violent, nor is he the best killer among the monsters to choose from. Freddy Krueger and Hannibal Lector obviously had the mass-slaying thing down, but they could never have the staying power that Dracula has because their nature is for violence and they lack the extreme psychological aspect that makes Dracula not only frightening, but also seductive. Monster movies are great to watch when the monster is a monster. But, when man becomes a monster, as in the case of Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs, for reasons pertaining to his youth and not some botched experiment, the movie experience becomes nearly transcendently frightful with the very real aspect that Hannibal could be a real person in a very real neighborhood. Same with Freddy Krueger, though he at least has that whole dream-killing thing happening which makes him, in reality, a bit less plausible, though his deeds are no less terrifying. Fischoff offers some insight into this phenomena, stating that â€Å"it is believed to be the thrill of fright, the awe of the horrific, the experience of the dark and forbidden side of human behavior that lures people into the dark mouth of the theater to be spooked†(Fischoff). Even though the man-monster takes off on a different path from the genre, hitting horror and the psychological aspect harder than ever before, people still flock to these movies in droves due to the need for fright, to experience the thrill without living the thrill (how scary would it be if Hannibal lived down the street?). And, the best monster movies are able to produce at least that much. Moreover, according to Fischoff’s survey, the top ten monsters of all time, in order, are: Dracula, Freddy Krueger, Godzilla, Frankenstein, Chucky, Michael Myers (Halloween), King Kong, Hannibal Lector, Jason Voorhees (Friday 13th), and Alien. It is interesting to notice when looking at this list that the monster to man-monster ratio is an exact split between the ten. Five genuine monsters and five men-turned-monsters. When it comes to monster movies, the best monster is obviously a cross between the most horrific and the most frightening. Furthermore, the third characteristic of monster movies is the use of plot as a device to form the movie around the monster. Like Neilsen’s generator was helpful to suggest, there are five different plots that make up the monster movie genre, almost, in its entirety. And, these plots all revolve around or are centered on, the motive of the monster. Basically, the monster can be out for revenge, need to feed, need to protect its young, their slumber has been disturbed, or they want to destroy humanity. All movies created in the early black and white era actually follow this format, the most famous of them setting up the very archetype known as monster movies today. To begin with, Frankenstein (1931) demonstrates the classic revenge plot. Dr. Henry Frankenstein wanted to make a man out of stolen body parts and actually managed to do so. In fact, Dr. Frankenstein’s monster would have been a medical marvel if not for the criminal brain secured for his construction. Because of that tiny little fatal flaw, the monster rises with a vendetta for Dr. Frankenstein. And because Dr. Frankenstein screwed up, he becomes the obsession of his own creation. In Dracula (1931), Count Dracula, something of a real estate tycoon and upwardly rich aristocrat, preys on the people he comes across in Transylvania. Dracula is different than the average monster because of his strikingly literal human nature. He also has the enhanced ability to seduce his victims beyond their control, which makes him exceptionally difficult to properly vanquish. The story also ends heroically as Van Helsing is proven right and is able to destroy Dracula. Dracula’s main motive, besides amusement, is simply, to feed. King Kong (1933) differs from many monster movies because the character relationships are vitally important for the movie to progress. There are two main relationships developed throughout, that of Ann and Jack and that of Ann and King Kong. King Kong’s motive, once he falls for his new companion Ann, is to protect her from the evils in his jungle environment, and later, the evils he sees New York City.   One of the final lines in the movies, â€Å"it wasn’t the airplanes, it was beauty that killed the beast†strikes a cord in any heart and makes King Kong perhaps the most lovable of all movie monsters because of his human desire to protect Ann. In The Mummy (1932) a priest is resurrected accidentally by an unwitting team of archeologists and sets about seeking his lost love. Bad things happen along the way, one of the archeologists is taken as a replacement for the mummy’s lost bride, but the mummy is vanquished in the end when the archeologists destroy the scroll that brought him back to life. The mummy, Im-ho-tep, basically sends his wrath out on the world and spends the movie causing mass destruction because his slumber was disturbed. Simple as that. Finally, in Godzilla (1954), Godzilla is a monster god (more like un-extinct dinosaur) that preys on the countryside of Tokyo and fits the classic monster out to destroy humanity plot. The natives sacrifice virgins in an attempt to appease the monster, but Godzilla seems to enjoy wreaking as much destruction as possible. The monster attacks every few scenes, with the people in a panic as to how to destroy him before they are all killed. And, even though they manage to kill Godzilla in the end, the result is not joyful as the people still fear another Godzilla is just moments from rising from the sea. Overall, all movies follow a specific formula which can be calculated and defined based upon the genre they fall in to. The monster movie is a cross between the horror film and the psychological thriller and has certain core, salient characteristics that define the monster movie as a genre. Neilsen helps to illuminate the various forms of monster and monster motives with his monster movie pitch generator, and it can be said that, categorically, monster type, psychological aspect of the monster, and motive of the monster as demonstrated in the plot combine to form the core characteristics of the monster movie. Works Consulted. Fischoff, Stuart, et al. â€Å"The Psychological Appeal of Your Favorite Movie Monsters.†International Scientific Communications, 2003. â€â€-. â€Å"The Psychological Appeal of Movie Monsters.† Journal of Media Psychology, 2005. LaBarbera, Michael. â€Å"The Biology of B-Movie Monsters.† University of Chicago, 2003. Neilsen, David. â€Å"Monster Pitch Generator.† Brunching Shuttlecocks, 2001. Waters, Cullen. â€Å"The Plot Archetypes of Giant Monster Movies.†, 2005. Zoombaba. â€Å"Creature Feature: Monster Movie Roleplaying.† Accessed March 22, 2007.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Measuring and Improving Employee Motivation Essay
Measuring and Improving Employee Motivation - Essay Example The performance is stereotypical a feature that implies that the employees can sue him for destroying their reputation and discriminating against them based on their races. Racial segregation is a heinous criminal offense with the American government striving to create a holistic society. Such performances, therefore, derail government’s endeavors targeted at developing a cohesive society. Additionally, the United States underwent a period of intense racial segregation. The animosity that existed among the numerous races impaired the development of the country. To limit the manifestation of the undesirable features, the government banned racial segregation in its attempt to create a cohesive American society. The government thus criminalized numerous social features that would amount to racial discrimination, performing such imitations in a workplace with numerous people from diverse backgrounds amounts to racial discrimination, thus a criminal offense. While none of the emplo yees considered undertaking a legal action against Smith, the stunt was illegal and was an abject portrayal of disregard to the basic values of humanity. In another equal action pact scene in the episode, Michael Scot harasses the Indian woman a feature that prompts the woman to slap him in the face. The act of aggression constitutes a criminal offense and is an unethical practice in an ideal workplace. As such, Michael Scot can readily accuse the woman of battery, which is a serious criminal offense in the country. Additionally, the woman can also accuse Scot of harassment, which is an equally serious offense. Sexual offenses are serious offenses in any society and the fact that the harassment occurs at a workplace worsens the situation. In fact, should Scot press charges for battery, the Indian can readily claim that she acted in self-defense since Scot makes the first move to harass him. The behavior of the two contravenes factors that create a conducive workplace.
Ethical Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethical Leadership - Assignment Example Using good leadership skills to show good business ethics can greatly contribute to building of a team culture of the business. It also provides a good measurable benchmarks for business employees to follow as the make independent decisions relating to the business duties. Every individual has an equal right to basic liberty and that there are some freedoms and rights that are very much important than others. This concept of justice is developed from the perspective that every individual is free and equal (Huhtala, Kangas, Là ¤msà ¤, & Feldt, 2013). Their freedom is characterized by their possession of moral powers that is a capacity for a sense of justice and for a conception of the good. The sense of justice is the ability to understand the applications of fairness from the public conception of justice which characterized the fair term of cooperation. This sense demonstrates the willingness to act in relation to others in a way that they can also publicly endorse. Huhtala, M., Kangas, M., Là ¤msà ¤, A.-M., & Feldt, T. (2013). Ethical managers in ethical organisations? the leadership-culture connection among finnish managers. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34(3),
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
El Alcoholismo, (Una Monografia) Debe de ser es espaol Essay
El Alcoholismo, (Una Monografia) Debe de ser es espaol - Essay Example Desarrollo.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 A. El Alcoholismo Y Lo Que Es†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 IV. Discusion.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 A. Como El Alcoholismo Se Aparece En Los Adolescentes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦5 B. Causas†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 C. Efectos†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 D. Demostracion de la hipotesis.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦..7 E. Lista de Referencias†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..9 C. Introduccion I. Problema El alcoholismo, a diferencia del uso de alcohol excesivo o imprudente, ha sido considerado en el pasado un sintoma de estres comunitario o psicologico, o un conducta desajustada. El alcoholismo se ha transformado en una nueva definicion, y tal vez mas precisa, como una enfermedad compleja en si. Los primeros sintomas incluyen ansiedad sobre la disponibilidad de alcohol, que influye intensamente en la preferencia por el paciente de amigos o actividades. El alcohol es cada vez mas el semblante de una droga que modifica el estado de animo, y menos como una parte de la dieta , un habito social o un rito piadoso. Se caracteriza por una vinculacion emocional y a veces organica del alcohol, y produce un dano cerebral avanzado y por ultimo la muerte. Mientras que el alcoholismo afecta principalmente a los adultos, su uso en adolescentes es un desasosiego creciente. Nuestra tarea sera la de tratar este tema mas alla de ser una diversion, se esta convirtiendo en una preocupacion. Cada vez mas ninos se intoxican cuando van a bailar o juntarse con amigos. A su vez, el consumo empieza a la vez de ninos pequenos, y los padres son cada vez mas condescendiente en este sentido. Se debe explorar lo que lleva el alcohol a los adolescentes. II. Hipotesis En este ensayo uno se va a explorar un desarrollo del alcoholismo y lo que es. El hipotesis va a investigar: como el alcoholismo se aparece en los adolescentes; las causas del alcoholismo; y los efectos del alcoholismo. III. Desarrollo A. El Alcoholismo Y Lo Que Es El alcoholismo es una enfermedad grave. Segun a Astovi za (2000) â€Å"El alcoholismo es una enfermedad cronica, progresiva y fatal caracterizada†¦Ã¢â‚¬ por una dependencia emocional y a veces organica del alcohol (parrafo 5). Se trata de un trastorno fundamental y no un sintoma de otras enfermedades o problemas emocionales. La quimica del alcohol afecta a casi todos los tipos de celulas en el cuerpo, incorporando a las que aparecen en el sistema nervioso central. El alcohol domina sus razonamientos, emociones y movimientos. Una vez que el alcohol ha tenido una persona no puede decirse que la victima esta cometiendo un delito moral. En este estado, el alcoholico no puede usar su animo de voluntad, porque ha perdido el poder de decidir si se debe usar alcohol o se abstiene de el. Se debe preguntar segun al articulo, â€Å"?Que es el alcoholismo?†(2011, p. 1) Es la condicion de una persona que tiene una enfermedad, una persona que bebe tanto alcohol cronicamente. Este persona no puede sostener su forma de beber bajo contro l, aunque le aga dano a su salud, su trabajo,su mente y su familia. El alcoholico se caracteriza por la dependencia del alcohol, tanto psicologica fisica como, la
Monday, August 26, 2019
History of the Mexican Trains Ferrocarriles Research Paper
History of the Mexican Trains Ferrocarriles - Research Paper Example The transportation network has had a major part to play in the economic progression of every nation on the planet. A well constructed and collaborative transportation network is the only guarantee that goods, people and services can be located from one part of the country to another with speed, flexibility and at little cost. Transportation can be seen as having a direct link to economic expansion and sustenance. It is unrealistic to expect that one region or nation has the ability to produce all that it consumes. In a similar manner, it is unrealistic to assume that a region can consume all that it produces. In order to strike the balance between demand and supply of various kinds of goods and service it is essential to have a well planned and integrated transportation network to rely on. Only such a transport network could allow the impeccable coordination required between various sectors of the economy such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, retailing etc. While the provision of a transport network is highly relevant to the modern economic system, but this was not always the case. Instead, a well integrated transportation network was required by nearly all great nations for keeping up with their military ambitions. Economic priorities remained secondary when the creation of a well integrated transportation network was taken into account during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Given the need to move economic goods as well as military goods, the preferential method of enhancing the transport network was to use railway links. This also coincided with the fact that road based automobiles were neither common nor highly appreciated in the nineteenth century. Instead, the railway networks of the era were highly preferred given the technical expertise in manufacturing and operating railway linkages. Another major factor that contributed to the growth of the railways in the era related to disposable incomes and the cost of early automobiles. Early automobi les were not only expensive to buy but were equally fiscally demanding in terms of operating and maintenance costs. The problem was compounded by the fact that the majority of people did not have the kinds of disposable incomes to buy and use road based vehicles as yet. In this scenario, it made far greater sense to set up railway linkages in order to enhance the overall transport infrastructure rather than concentrating on roads and automobiles. Vehement development of the railway networks continued throughout the nineteenth century and through the early to mid parts of the twentieth century around the world. Contemporary super powers and countries looking for economic development all looked towards large railway networks in order to support and sustain their economic growth. It is from this era that the British railway networks emerged and spanned nearly half the globe ranging from Africa to the Tibet plateau. In a similar manner, the United States was bent upon enlarging the exis ting railway network to connect the East Coast to the West Coast. A number of different strategies were adopted in order to provide impetus for the expansion of the existing railway network. Conditions in Germany and France were similar with Germany attempting to bridge the Middle East and Europe using a railway link
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Digital Marketing Report( Gwynne's) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Digital Marketing Report( Gwynne's) - Case Study Example The key market that is served by the business is America. The business specifically targets Americans who live in NY, Colorado etc. There are several other online tutorials who teach Latin to students in the USA. Almost all of them are online based coaching classes who teach Latin based on teaching through SKYPE. The future direction for the business would be to advertise through online platforms such as face book and twitter and also contact the universities for conducting classes for the students of the universities. The current stakeholder’s in the organization’s marketing activities are the website of the company; you tube through which the company hosts the videos of classroom teaching to attract further students as customers. Other current stakeholders in the marketing activities of the organization are websites like Amazon through which the business markets textbooks written by the authors. In future the company intends to promote the business through social media websites and use them as marketing channels. Among the social media channels that the company wants to use in order to promote the business are Face book and Twitter. In future if the business goes big the company should hire more teachers, create a company promote online. The business may also provide free classes to the students so that they are attracted to undertake the full time courses. Amongst the existing channel mix for the business are the medium such as website of the company, and you tube. Most of the customers of the company connect with the company through the websites of the company. The website of the business also provides links about the videos dealing with classroom coaching by Mr. Gwynne. Other elements of the promotional mix that are used by the company to promote it are the newspaper in which the company advertises about itself. Amongst all the different marketing and channel mix that are used by the business to promote itself, the website
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Teaching Profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Teaching Profession - Essay Example Teachers are expected to nurture attributes, skills and capacities in the young people that will enable them succeed and prosper in the knowledge society. The profession is bloated with many responsibilities stemming from imparting knowledge to students to modifying their personalities. Thus, the profession requires effective socialization, providing the necessary foundations for a responsible citizen, and providing emotional support. The first impression of teaching is formed in the student life when a teacher conducts their role responsibly. This creates a notion that teaching is a noble profession that caters for the academic, emotional or spiritual needs of the learners. Effective and efficient childhood interaction between teachers and young learners creates a positive image of teaching as an industrious job. Students do not come into contact with the practical details and challenges associated with teaching; thus, the worth of teaching in a classroom context should not be weigh ed upon professional hassles and practical work. The current first time teachers fail to realize that professional knowledge is no longer viewed as a constituent of explicit and fixed knowledge base. Sharpe (2004) posits that knowledge exists in use, and any advancements or modification is caused by experience. Therefore, when teachers use their knowledge, the mode of its delivery changes the impact of its use among students. Discussion The reality between the impression of teaching and reality can be explained by the nature of having unfavorable returns or when the experience conforms to the initial impression. The transformation from student life to teacher status may lead into a different feeling that may make a first time teacher uncomfortable. This can be viewed as a negative stroke considering the earlier positive impression and willingness to indulge in the profession. Most students view the teaching profession as an uncomplicated and easy knowledge delivery task full of exci tement and fun. However, this notion is blown away once they become teachers and encounter the responsibilities required of them such as effectiveness, high-end communication skills, hard work, creativity and determination. Dalmau and Gudjonsdottir (2002) affirm this when they state the roles and obligations associated with teaching. They include acting as pedagogues and experts in teaching, reflective and critical problem solvers, knowledge creators and theory builders as well as acting as research and change agents. Those who are not prepared for such commitments get disappointed once they get involved in the profession. Superiority and aggression was normally viewed as the effective measures necessary to instill discipline in students. This notion made most aspiring and first time teachers view this as a privilege associated with the profession. However, the current education systems do not support dictatorial authority but prefer popularly-based authority. The school atmosphere is characterized by negotiation and persuasion rather than confrontation. Most school rules are made by the community as a whole; hence, they are student friendly with the teacher’s input being reduced to that of nurturing and persuading. This requires commitment and dedication of a decided mind. Proponents of democratic school system argue that a school which follows fairly the democratically enacted laws is the one in which community discipline prevails and supports the development of the concept of law and order (Sharpe, 2004). Most learners may regard teaching with a high esteem. Such notion makes them expect recognition and uplifting of their status in the community once they adopt the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Industrial application of energy audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Industrial application of energy audit - Essay Example 1.1 Background Energy conservation is important in all aspects of our lives. When firms produce goods to sell or provide services for customers they want to ensure that their services are competitively priced. In order for this to be possible firms have to ensure that they provide these services or produce these goods at the minimum cost possible. Energy cost is one of the main operating expenses for most firms. It is also the one that is most manageable or easiest to adjust in order to gain operating efficiencies. It is therefore important that firms find ways of minimising their energy costs in order to maximise the profitability of their operations. In order to make this possible they seek the help of energy conservation specialists/consultants who perform energy audits of facilities or equipments being used. 1.2 Types of energy audits There are two types of energy audits. ... mal consumption pattern for the items in use the bills were surveyed to determine if the KWh usage was in keeping with the manufacturer’s benchmark of the maximum energy use. The equipments were then assessed to determine if there were any defects that would result in excess energy usage. The facility was checked in terms of floor area and details were gathered on the hours of use of these equipments. The exterior and interior of the building and equipment were checked to determine what adjustments and repairs need to be done to effect energy conservation. The energy manager (proprietor/manager) was questioned to determine critical areas that require monitoring. Sub-meters were then placed in areas of particular concern and both hourly and or daily consumption data was taken for the day. An analysis was done of the results and sources of potential energy and cost savings were identified throughout the building. Some recommendations were then made for energy conservation and ma intenance measures to be put in place. 2.0 Details of the Audit Process It was determined that the preliminary audit was the most appropriate since there were no complexities in the structure of the building. However, it involved testing of equipments which are not generally done in a preliminary audit. 2.1 Pre-Site Work Obtain facility and contact details inclusive of address and telephone number (Appendix 1) Steps were taken to identify the average energy use in the industry, specifically as it relates to electricity consumption. Failing that the internet was checked to determine the energy use of specific equipment Specific energy systems and energy use were also evaluated Specific equipments used in the industry were researched to determine their annual energy (electricity) consumption
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Different Societal Institutions Such as the Family, Government and Religion Essay Example for Free
Different Societal Institutions Such as the Family, Government and Religion Essay Different societal institutions such as the family, government and religion, have been seen to have an impact on marriage. The government plays a role in marriage and mate selection when divorce raises issues. Not only does the government play a role in marriage and mate selection, religion also raises conflict for married couples, such as where and how a couple may get married, and if the religion supports the legal issue of divorce. Lastly, family plays a important role in marriage and mate selection through the way their children are raised since people tend to marry people who share similar beliefs and values. The societal institution such as the government, have been seen to have an impact on marriage such as divorce and cohabitation when legal rights come into force. When a divorce happens between couples, the legal issues will give you rights to things such as child support-if you have children, property division and spousal support. Both parents are forced into supporting their family financially in the legal rights called child support. If you and the other parent do not live together, you must split the costs of caring for your child. In most cases, child support is paid until the child can be dependent until the age of 18. However, if the child choses to get married or leave home under the age of 18, they are no longer considered dependent. Now you must be wondering how much child support will cost an individual. The costs may vary depending on the province you are currently living in. This is called the Child Support Guidelines. Many factors are involved in deciding how much child support is paid such as gross income, and how many dependent children the parent with physical custody is supporting. Furthermore, when you apply for child support, the court is entitled to know information about both spouses’ finances. This is known as financial disclosure. Did you know that in Ontario you must be at least 18 years old to get married? Since that in Canada it is a law that you cannot marry another person if you are already married, also known as polygamy, divorce becomes a legal issue. The Divorce Act and the process of getting a divorce remains the same all over Canada. First, you or your spouse must apply for a divorce in court. When you are applying for a divorce, you must be able to demonstrate that the marriage has broken-down. The most common situations that the court sees is that you and your spouse have been separated for at least a year by living in separate housing, if you or your partner committed infidelity, or if the marriage is abusive that it is no longer safe to live with each other. Functionalist might say that divorce is dysfunctional in society since it goes against the norm in marriage where it states that two people are united until â€Å"death do you part†. The societal institution such as religion, have been seen to have an impact on marriage such as same sex marriages and the ceremonies people have when they get married. There are many types of marriages that you can have as we witnessed in the film, Get Him to the Greek, where the family wanted a religious ceremony performed by a religious organization listed in the Marriage Act. In contrast, some couples prefer a civil ceremony that is performed by a judge, justice of the peace, city clerk or someone else who is licenced to perform marriages. Divorce also brings religious barriers to remarriage. Some religions do not believe in divorce and say that you cannot get remarried in a religious ceremony. Furthermore, religion can have a barrier on same-sex marriage. Some religions consider same-sex marriages to be abnormal, so it can be tough for the family to accept that their son or daughter is gay or lesbian. Family acceptance is important to the individual’s self, and if the individual’s family does not accept a part of who they are, they might feel disowned and a loss of self-worth, which leads to conflict in the relationship. Family plays a role in marriage and mate selection through the way they raise their children for the reason that people tend to marry people who share similar beliefs and values. Martin Whytes study of dating and marriage mentions that marital success can be determined. He mentions in his study that the dating experience was not a predictor of success, enduring married couples had several characteristics in common, which are having similar values, enjoying similar leisure time activities, pooling their incomes, sharing in power and decision making in their relationship, having friends in common and having an active social life together. Whyte, 2001) Family has an impact on people’s beliefs and values, how they spend their leisure time, and their social life. System theorists agree that families have an impact on marriage and mate selection of their children because the system theory can help explain issues seen in an individual such as social issues by looking at how they were raised. Different societal institutions present may challenges for married couples. Many factors from divorce amongst all the legal issues associated with it, to religion beliefs, of when and how a couple gets married and the family acceptance of same-sex marriages. Last of all, factors of exactly how an individual is raised by their family plays a significant role in marriage and mate selection and Martin Whyte explains. All three of the different societal institutions play a significant role in determining the success of the couple’s relationship.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Limits of Amylase Essay Example for Free
The Limits of Amylase Essay Abstract This report explains the purpose of this experiment in a way that conveys information to the reader about Amylase’s ability to withstand acidic or basic pH. To do this, two test tubes were both filled with 5mL of a 5% amylase solution. The first one was filled with an acid, while the other was filled with a base. After dropping liquid Iodine and Benedict’s solution into each one, the tube with a basic pH tested positive for glucose. The acidic solution tested (mostly) negative for glucose, although there were trace amounts at the bottom. Overall, my conclusion is that only acidic solutions inhibit Amylase’s ability to digest starch. Background The goal of the experiment is to test whether or not Amylase can withstand abnormal changes in pH without denaturing itself. Salivary Amylase is an enzyme that acts upon any polysaccharide that enters the mouth (mainly starch). However, it has a few other clinical uses. It is used for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, and other medical conditions regarding Amylase levels in the body. Amylase’s first discovery in 1831 led to new experiments about this enzyme. By separating pancreatic Amylase from Trypsin, they were able to realize that it acted upon starch, breaking it down into a simple sugar, or monosaccharide. In the diagram (featured below), the active site of this enzyme contain three major acidic groups. These contain a calcium ion (the large gray sphere) , the chloride ion (the large green sphere), and the chain of five sugar units (in yellow orange). Previously mentioned, this enzyme will act upon starch and break it down into simple sugars. 2 Hypothesis If we expose Amylase to a variety of acidic and basic solutions to test whether it will still digest starch or not, then I think that it will denature both ways, because Amylase is normally intolerable to any pH above 8 or below 6. Materials and Procedures The following will be useful in this experiment: 20mL of a 5% Amylase solution 20mL of a 1% starch solution 8 test tubes At least 5mL of HCl At least 5mL of NaOH Hot plate Beaker full of water (for incubation) Liquid Iodine Solution Benedict’s Solution Follow this procedure: 1. In your first 4 test tubes, add the following solutions accordingly to each tube: -Test tube 1: 5mL of distilled water -Test tube 2: 5mL of the 5% Amylase solution -Test tube 3: 5mL of Amylase solution + 2-3 drops of HCl -Test tube 4: 5mL of Amylase solution + 2-3 drops of NaOH 2. Add 5mL of the starch solution into each tube. 3. Incubate each tube in the beaker of water for 30 minutes. The temperature should be 37 °C (98.6 °F). 4. After incubation, split half of all contents in each tube into 4 new tubes. 5. Insert 2-3 drops of the Iodine solution into the first set of beakers (the original 4). Then, insert 2-3 drops of the Benedicts solution into the second set of test tubes. 6. Record any color changes. 3 Results The first test tube (containing distilled water) was light brown when mixed with iodine, and blue when mixed with Benedict’s solution. The second test tube (5% Amylase solution) was light brown when mixed with iodine. It became orange when Benedict’s was added to the mix. The third test tube turned dark brown when the iodine was added. The other beaker with test tube 3’s contents remained blue when Benedict’s solution was added, although traces of Orange were found. The last test tube appeared Light Brown with the iodine mixed in (3 drops are always used), and appeared Orange when combined with the Benedict’s solution. Discussion Many of the test tubes ended up looking like I expected them to, except the fourth beaker. I had not expected that Amylase, under the influence of a very basic solution, could still act as a catalyst for starch. With a pH of 9 or higher, Amylase would normally denature itself. This could mean one of two things: Amylase is capable of functioning normally under a very high pH, or it could’ve been human error that led to this surprising result. To minimize chances of this happening again, assuming that this was human error only, would be to maximize the pH in the fourth beaker to 14 instead of 12, should a new lab arise, focusing on Amylase’s ability to withstand a high pH without getting denatured. Conclusion Overall, most of my results agreed with my notes and background knowledge about Amylase, apart from the difference in test tube 4. Like I predicted, the Amylase solution (tube 2) tested positive for simple sugars, the acidic solution denatured the enzyme, and the distilled water did absolutely nothing. Sources Dugdale, D. (2013, October 31). Amylase blood. Retrieved from (n.a.) Alpha- amylases. (2006, February 18). Retrieved from (n.a.) Alpha amylase. (2010, January 29). Retrieved from
Retrieval of User Interesting and Rank Oriented Results
Retrieval of User Interesting and Rank Oriented Results Abstract: Retrieval of user interesting and rank oriented results is always an important research issue in information retrieval and search engine optimization. The main problem with traditional approaches is, they gives redundant results based relevance score of the search results. In this paper we are proposing sink points based redundant removal approach with rank oriented results for user input query. Here our proposed approach follows the property of convergence and diversity for accurate rank oriented results with sink points. Introduction: Guided summarization assignment is to compose a 100-saying summary of a set of 10 newswire articles for a given subject, where the subject falls into a predefined class. Given a rundown of critical angles for every class, the summary must cover all these viewpoints if the data can be found in the archives. The outlines might likewise contain other data important to the subject. Plus, guided summarization additionally requests a redesign summary, comparative[8] to the overhaul summarization in Tac2009. Overhaul summarization goes for creating rundowns accepting the client has perused a few articles in the recent past. Particularly, given the theme, the undertaking is to compose two outlines, one for report set An and the other for report set B, that address the data need communicated in the relating theme explanation. The summary for report set A will be a query focused multi-report summary. The upgrade summary for report set B is likewise inquiry centered multi-record one however ought to be composed under the suspicion that the client of the summary has as of now perused the reports in report set A. Every summary ought to be decently composed, in English, utilizing complete sentences[7]. Every summary can be no more than 100 words. As a compelling and compact methodology of helping clients to get the principle focuses, archive summarization has pulled in much consideration since the first work by many researchers. Various scientists have done great work in multi-report summarization (MDS). As of late, there developed two novel requests for summarization. One is the viewpoint particular necessity, the other is time dependent prerequisite. A client anticipates that the summary will contain data particular to the specific classification of the occasion. Then, new data is made as the occasions create. A client likewise needs the summary to contain mostly novel data, to spare time[6,5]. Then again, much of current work has concentrated on the determined static record accumulation without endeavoring to catch the progressions about whether or attempting to give the perspective based data. The exemplary issue of summarization is to take a data source, concentrate content from it, and present the most critical substance to the client in a consolidated form and in a way touchy to the clients or applications needs, which has been concentrated on in numerous varieties and has been tended to through a ton of summarization methods. Be that as it may, the requests of novel and angle particular data have not been completely perceived yet[9]. The objective of guided summarization errand is to address these two new requests of summarization all the while. By giving compact, viewpoint particular synopses of the periodical element data dedicated to a typical point, guided summary can spare the clients from scanning the web content with much repetition. We can detail the guided summarization errand as angle based upgrade summarization, which can be important for intermittently checking the essential changes of particular viewpoint from the archives differing over a given time period Everybody realizes that location-based services (LBS) is a data or excitement administration, which is open with cell phones through the versatile system and which utilizes data on the topographical position of the cell phone, so we wont trouble you with that. System based procedures use the administration suppliers system framework to distinguish the location of the handset. The focal point of system based systems from a versatile administrators perspective is that they can be executed non-rudely, without influencing the handsets. Handset-based engineering obliges introducing customer programming on the handset to focus its location. This method decides the location of the handset by processing its location by cell recognizable proof, signal qualities of the home and neighboring cells, which is ceaselessly sent to the transporter. Whats more, if the handset is likewise outfitted with GPS then altogether more exact location data is sent from the handset to the bearer. By utilizing the SIM as a part of GSM and UMTS handsets, it is conceivable to acquire crude radio estimations from the handset. The estimations that are accessible can incorporate the serving Cell ID, round excursion time and sign quality. The kind of data acquired by means of the SIM can contrast from what is accessible from the handset. Case in point, it may not be conceivable to acquire any crude estimations from the handset straightforwardly, yet still get estimations through the SIM. Hybrid positioning situating frameworks utilize a blend of system based and handset-based advances for location determination. One illustration would be a few modes of Assisted GPS, which can both utilization GPS and system data to register the location. Both sorts of information are subsequently utilized by the phone to make the location more precise (i.e. A-GPS). On the other hand following with both frameworks can likewise happen by having the telephone accomplish his GPS-location straightforwardly from the satellites, and afterward having the data sent through the system to the individual that is attempting to place the phone. Google Latitude, case in point, permits such cell telephone following. Related work : Upgrade summarization is a worldly augmentation of topic focused multi-report summarization by concentrating on compressing exceptional data contained in the new report set given a past report set[2]. A real approach for overhaul summarization is extractive summarization. In the extractive methodology, upgrade summarization is diminished to a sentence positioning issue, which makes a summary by extricating the most illustrative sentences from target record set. There are four objectives a positioning calculation for redesign summarization plans to accomplish: Topic Relevance: The summary is focused around a topic related multi-record set, where a subject speaks clients data need (either a short question or story). Hence, the summary must stick to the theme clients are keen on. Importance: Not all the sentences in the reports convey data of equivalent imperativeness about the theme. The summary needs to disregard inconsequential substance also incorporate vital data. Diversity: There ought to be less excess data in the summary, so the constrained summary space can cover however much data as could reasonably be expected about the subject. Novelty: Given a pointed out theme and two sequentially requested record sets, the summary needs to concentrate on the new data passed on by the later dataset as contrasted and the prior one under that concept. In fact, oddity can be considered as an issue sort of differing qualities since it concentrates on the contrast between sentences of new coming reports and those of prior archives, while differing qualities concentrates on the contrast between sentences chose as of now and those to be chosen next. Upgrade summarization is most regularly utilized as a part of an element web environment. Allan et al. [1] produced worldly rundowns over news stories on a certain occasion, which could be considered as an early manifestation of overhaul summarization. As of late, one researcher [4] depicted an adaptable sentence scoring technique, SMMR got from MMR [5], where competitor sentences were chosen as per a joined foundation of inquiry significance and uniqueness with beforehand read sentences. Proposed work: In this paper we are proposing an empirical model of rank implementation with sink points by removing the redundant relevance scores of the retrieved results. The ranking algorithm works in two ways with following characteristics .Neighbor data objects are likely to have similar ranking scores and data objects have same structure with same ranking scores. A Network or graph can be constructed between the objects or nodes and edge can be formed between data objects or nodes if they related or close to each other, other nodes propagate the ranking until global state achieved. The algorithm initially sets the sink points to empty at initialization, generates a matrix for data manifold which gives the relation or edge between the two objects or nodes. Matrix gives the closed relation between the data objects if there exists an should be symmetrically normalized with diagonal matrix values with sum of respective intersection of row and column values, continue the process until all data objects are read or matrix gets constructed. Results can be ordered based on ranking of the Algorithm: THE NOVEL MRSP ALGORITHM The novel MRSP algorithm works as follows: Define the group of sink points Ps as empty. Form the matrix W for the data manifold, where Wmn = similiarity(xm, xn) if there is an edge linking xm and xn . Note that similarity(xm, xn) is the similarity between objects xm and xn . 3. Symmetrically normalize W as Sym = D−1/2WD−1/2 in which D is a diagonal matrix with its (m,m) element which is equal to the sum of the i-th row of W. 4. Repeat the below steps if |Ps| (a) Iterate f(t + 1) = _SIf f(t) + (1 − t)y until convergence, where 0 ≠¤ t m ∈Ps and 1 otherwise. (b) Let fâˆâ€" m denote the limit of the sequence {fi(t)}. Rank points xm ∈ r based on their ranking scores f .m. (c) Choose the top ranked point xm. Turn xm into a new sink point by moving it from r to Ps. 5. Result the sink points in the order that they were chosen into s from r Set a threshold value to limited value the sequence and with their corresponding ranking results and move it to other novel sink point and return in order of their selection. Architecture: End user forwards an input query to the search engine ,it in turn communicate with data base,it forwards the meta data to algorithm and computed the sink points based rank implementation and removes the redundant objects based on their scores and prepares the summary report or result. Summarized result in turn forwarded to search engine after retrieval top results from the set of total results. Conclusion: The novel MRSP approach addresses differing qualities and significance and criticalness in positioning. MRSP utilizes a complex positioning process over the information complex, which can characteristically find the most pertinent and imperative information articles exhibit in a record. MRSP can adequately keep repetitive articles from getting a high rank. The novel MRSP methodology fathoms the equivocal necessities of diverse questions given to the web index and produces profoundly significant question proposals and overhaul summarization. MRSP utilizes a complex positioning process over the information complex, which can regularly find the most important and paramount articles. In the interim, by transforming positioned articles into sink focuses on information complex, MRSP can adequately keep excess items from accepting a high rank. The incorporated MSRP methodology can attain significance, criticalness, differing qualities, and curiosity in a brought together process. Probes errands of redesign summarization and question proposal present solid exact execution of MRSP. References: [1] J. Allan, R. Gupta, and V. Khandelwal. Temporal summaries of new topics. In SIGIR ’01: Proceedingsof the 24th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in informationretrieval, pages 10–18, New York, NY, USA,2001. ACM. [2] R. Barzilay and M. Elhadad. Using lexical chains fortext summarization. In In Proceedings of the ACLWorkshop on Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization,pages 10–17, 1997. [3] S. Berkovsky, T. Baldwin, and I. Zukerman. Aspect based personalized text summarization. In AH ’08:Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems,pages 267–270, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.Springer-Verlag. [4] F. Boudin, M. El-Beze, and J.-M. Torres-Moreno. `A scalable MMR approach to sentence scoring for multi-document update summarization. In Coling2008: Companion volume: Posters, pages 23–26, Manchester, UK, August 2008. Coling 2008 Organizing Committee. [5] J. Carbonell and J. Goldstein. The use of mmr, diversity-based reranking for reordering documents and producing summaries. In SIGIR ’98: Proceedings of the 21st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, pages 335–336, New York, NY, USA, 1998. ACM. [6] J. M. Conroy and D. P. O’leary. Text summarization via hidden markov models. In SIGIR ’01: Proceedings of the 24th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, pages 406–407, New York, NY, USA, 2001. ACM. [7] J. M. Conroy and J. D. Schlesinger. Classy query based multi document summarization. In In Proceedings of DUC’2005, 2005. [8] P. Du, J. Guo, J. Zhang, and X. Cheng. Manifold ranking with sink points for update summarization. In CIKM ’10: Proceeding of the 19th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management, Toronto, Canada, 2010. ACM. [9] G. Erkan and D. R. Radev. Lexrank: graph-based lexical centrality as salience in text summarization. J. Artif. Int. Res., 22(1):457–479, 2004. [10] E. Hovy, C. yew Lin, L. Zhou, and J. Fukumoto. Automated summarization evaluation with basic elements. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2006.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Essay example --
The Gathering Storm In 1939 Sep 1st Germans thrust into Poland and defeated them fairly easy. 20 years earlier, their forefathers have also been on the march, but back into their land as they have been defeated in Nov 1918 after 4 years of World War 1. Germany’s Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm had been forced to quit, as his armies were being defeated and his people faced starvation. But already a dangerous myth was taking on the Germans. They claimed they have not been defeated at battle, but betrayed by their politicians. Even so at 11AM Nov 11, 1918 WWI ended. The following months President Wilson came to Europe, promising to create a new world order, he created a new league of nations. They agreed that dispute between countries will be done with debate, and not war. The Germans were set free and the Austria-Hungry Empire was gone and they created new countries Austria, Poland, Hungry and more, Germany was reduced greatly in size. But this process was a time bomb, and one day the desire to reunite these countries will hunt Europe. The war was very hard on the German people, and they must pay 6.5 billion pounds to France and Great Britain. This was something they could not afford. When Wilson came back to America his league fell, after as the US Congress said they could afford being sucked into a new war, and refused to join his league and the US withdrew. German became a democracy, and street battles started to rise between communist and nationalist. In 1923 the country was devastated by hyperinflation which reached 100 percent. A huge amount of peoples saving were wiped out. This was ground for a new wing of political parties, among them was Hitler and his fiery words let him be in charge of the Nazi’s. The Nazis tried to strike ... ...limbo. After a few days England sends a message to Poland saying they should negotiate but they are not expected to make any deal with Germany. On Aug 30th Hitler makes his final offer to Poland, as he demands unification of Danzig to the German Reich. Hitler also demands referendums of the land connecting Berlin to Danzig. The Polish government does not except any of Hitler deals. In the afternoon of Aug 31st 1939, 10 days conclud with no deal what so ever. When the poles do not except any negotiation, Hitler give his order for attack, on the next morning. On Sep 1st 1939 the German army lines up for battle against Poland. Hitler gives a speech stating, â€Å"I have come to the decision to talk to the Poles in the same way they have spoken to us. As of 545 hours today we are fighting back. From now on every bomb will be repaid with a bomb†, and thus the war have begun.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Peoples Republic of China :: China Essays
One country that has a rich cultural history, a large population and some of the grandest mountain ranges in the world is China. This country is the third largest one and contains the world's largest population. It is also home to one of the very first recorded civilizations. Thanks to its large mountains it is rich in natural resources that had come up from the earth. China produces a large variety of things from steel, to cameras and synthetic materials. Electricity generation is one of the largest in the world. It's government is one of the oldest on earth starting in 1726. All of these things make up China, so let’s go into more detail by starting with geography.      China is officially the People's Republic of China and is located in eastern Asia. To it's north are several countries including Russia, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. It shares borders to the west with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, and India. To the south is Bhutan, Myanmar, Veitnam, and Laos. Almost the entire east side of China is bordered by water. There are over 3,400 offshore islands, with Hainan in the South China Sea as being the largest of them all. China is about 3,696,100 square miles large not including the Republic of China. China is a very mountainous country with 43% of all land is classed as mountainous terrain. Also China has some of the largest mountains in the world, including Mt. Everest and K2. All the mountains have enclosed numerous plateaus and basins. Those areas are rich in water and mineral resources.      China’s population is made up of mostly people under 30. The government wanted to try to control the population but was unable to. Thus China has the largest population in the world and is very crowded. Most of the people are distingueshed not by racial characteristics but by religion or language. The current population is 1,306,000,000 and increasing at an incredible rate. China speaks a language called Putongua and is known to most by Mandarin. China is trying to modify its written language to simplify it. China has two main religions: (1) Christianity (2) Buddhist. Both of these religions practice their religion openly.      Because of China’s land diversity, it is rich in mineral resources and has an ample amount of nearly any resource known to man. It has about 20 billion metric tons of petroleum and 11 trillion metric tons of Steel.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Legalization Essay -- essays research papers
                                        The legalization of marijuana                     The Legalization of Marijuana      For the last fifty or so years it has been a crime to possess, consume, or distribute marijuana. Any rapid change in legislation toward legalization would be impossible in today’s culture. Due mostly to the overwhelming popularity of this drug it could never possibly be legalized. Any process of legalization would create unrealistic demands upon society that would affect every facet of life both domestic and abroad. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal substance in the world, and in America nearly a third of all citizens have admitted to being exposed to it at one point in their lives. Some people have been subject to harsh criticism by admitting to using marijuana even once in their lives. This guilt that is associated with the use of marijuana is probably the only reason for its illegality. Marijuana is seen as a reckless expenditure of adolescent rebels, or as a habit of minorities that consumes their lives and forces them into the common stereotypes of poor huddled masses that contribute nothing to society except ...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Interracial Marriage in Shakespeare’s Othello Essay
Racial prejudice against the outsiders existed during the Elizabethan Age and Shakespeare attempted to create a parallel world in his tragedy Othello, The Moor of Venice where he captures a wide array of reactions towards a Black Muslim by the white majority Christians in Venice. The racial discrimination has been latent in their minds for a long period and the interracial marriage of Othello and Desdemona acts as a catalyst resulting in a volcanic eruption like calamity in the society through a prototype villain Iago. The institution of marriage is often looked at as a means of enhancing the bond within a community and when an outsider attempts to become a part of a closed community then he is perceived as an intruder. This essay explores the tumultuous reaction of the society through Iago towards the interracial marriage of Othello and Desdemona. Human beings, once accustomed to a particular pattern, will find it extremely difficult to alter the same. Othello, the Black Moor with physical and cultural difference in the state of Venice has risen to the position of the army general through his meticulous and painstaking hard work. Iago, the vicious villain has developed an aversion towards Othello because of his Moorish background and it is intensified when Cassio is promoted to the position of lieutenant, overlooking Iago. Iago also suspects an illicit relation between his wife Emilia and Othello. So he vows to bring the downfall of Othello and takes the interracial marriage as the ripe opportunity to avenge Othello. He instigates Brabantio, father of Desdemona to bring Othello under trial for luring his daughter. Brabantio openly condemns Othello’s marriage with his daughter and accuses that the marriage is â€Å"maimed and most imperfect†(1. 3, 99) and â€Å"Against all rules of nature†(1. 3, 101). Further he strongly suspects that Othello has used magic potions on Desdemona and exploited her innocence by pushing her to run from her home to â€Å"to the sooty bosom / Of such a thing as thou – to fear, not to delight†(1. 2, 70-71). Brabantio thus overtly expresses his racist views before the Duke because he is basically a Venetian who is obsessed with racial prejudice and it is so blatantly displayed because he learns that his daughter has fallen for the Moor from Roderigo, the half-wit consumed by lust for Desdemona and Iago, where the later has hidden his identity and has expressed their love affair in the most obscene language as possible. Iago states, â€Å"†¦you’ll / Have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse†(1. 1, 111-112) and â€Å"I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter / And the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. 1. 1, 116-117). As Elizabeth Beaudin notes, â€Å"The language Iago and Roderigo use to incite the senator’s anger is clearly prejudiced; they refer to Othello as ‘an old black ram,’ a ‘Barbary horse,’ and a ‘lascivious Moor’ (13). The racist remarks of Iago and Roderigo against Othello reflect the prejudice that existed in the society when a Black Moor holds a better position in the society be it in military, society or the heart of a woman. Both Iago and Roderigo refer to Othello as an animal, thick-lipped, uneducated, and crude, and never call him by his name in private. Othello is enquired about the charges levied by Brabantio and the Moor responds that their love is mutual which has been nurtured through conversation. He states that â€Å"She loved me for the dangers I had pass’d, / And I loved her that she did pity them†(1. 3, 167-168). The Duke is one of the few characters in the play who trusts that the love affair is beyond the narrow lanes of racism and approves their marriage. When both the lovers are found to be in a state of complete bliss Iago remarks, â€Å"O, you are well tuned now! / But I’ll set down the pegs that make this music, / As honest as I am. (2. 1, 199-201). Iago swears to loosen the pegs in order to bring about a disharmony in their relationship. Mussari rightly states, â€Å"From the opening scene the interracial marriage between Othello and Desdemona colors all aspects of the play. Race also provides further motivation for the resentful Iago to destroy the general’s happiness. †(40-41). Iago strongly believes that Desdemona’s love for the Moor is nothing but an unnatural sexual desire and schemes in the most scrupulous manner to infuse jealousy in place of love in the mind of Othello. Earlier Othello believed that Desdemona loved him for his adventures and he not being a chamberer. But under the poisonous influence of Iago Othello believes that it is the very same quality that has made her leave him. â€Å"†¦ for I am black / And have not those soft parts of conversation / That chamberers have, or for I am declined†(3. 3, 263-265) Iago is extremely sly and a master puppeteer who brings almost everyone under his dominion. He convinces Roderigo that h can win Desdemona’s love only by procuring gifts for her and gains monetary benefits from him. Cassio also blindly believes him and thinks that Iago is striving hard to regain Cassio’s lost position. The seeds of jealousy are sown in the minds of Othello and it has deep-rooted in him. He has made a thorough analysis of Othello’s nature and produces the ocular proof for his wife’s infidelity. Iago is unable to stomach the fact that Othello is not only the supreme commander of the arms but has won the heart of a white Venetian woman. He is absolutely hostile to this interracial marriage and longs to dissolve the marriage at any cost. Roderigo, Cassio and his wife Emilia are made as pawns who unknowingly play a crucial role in disrupting the harmonious relationship between Othello and Desdemona. Iago goes to the extent of inventing an accusation that his wife is committing adultery with Othello. â€Å"†¦ Twixt my sheets / he’s done my office†(1. 3, 380-381). Othello and Desdemona unlike many other lovers establish a mature relationship in the beginning and are convinced that they share a mutual bond of love and affection. But it is not just the jealousy of Othello that plays a spoilsport. The racial incompatibility is internalized in every human being because humans are essentially social beings and hence are used to living in a homogeneous environment. The sudden intrusion may shock a majority section of the society like Brabantio, Iago and Roderigo. But a few may develop an initial fascination towards this heterogeneity like Desdemona. Desdemona herself is convinced that there is something unnatural about her love for Othello. She fails to understand Othello completely because of the cultural and racial differences that existed between them. She had once remarked that she fears looking at such blackness as in Othello which is reaffirmed by Othello when Iago states, â€Å"seem’d to shake and fear your looks†(3. 3, 207). Both Desdemona and Othello are initially drawn to each other because of their physical appearance but later this difference of Black and White creates a gap between them. Othello is appalled â€Å"not only because Desdemona corrupts herself ut because her ‘blackness’ confirms his†(Berry, 328). The interracial marriage, no doubt, intensifies the race-related social tensions and the society is completely turned into a chaotic environment. The reaction of the racially prejudiced society has been extremely intense because, the interracial relationship has matured to the level of married. If Iago had carried out such frenzied beastly act before Othello and Desdemona had married, it would have lead to the separation of the lovers. But the interracial marriage has mounted such an apprehension both in the society and the couple. Hence every other Venetian was easily exploited by Iago and Othello himself easily succumbed to the pressures of Iago. Being married, Othello is convinced that he could restore his honor only by killing his wife who is believed to have cuckolded him. To conclude, Shakespeare has illustrated that the dearth of a society is certain when a racial incompatibility exists in the society. The interracial marriage of Othello and Desdemona may have survived a little longer if Iago has not intervened because Iago has just acted as a catalyst and speedup the dissolution of the marriage. The love affair between Othello and Desdemona was purely emotional but the moment they enter into the institution of marriage, it definitely has to withstand the whirlwinds of the society. An interracial marriage is perceived as a threat to the integrity of the society and hence it is rarely welcomed. Within such a hostile environment, it is truly a challenge for the couple to uphold their marital relationship in which both Othello and Desdemona fail miserably as they easily yield to the pressures of the society in the guise of Iago.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Walk to Remember Essay
A Walk To Remember A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks uses a numerous amount literary elements to create this heart throbbing phenomenon. Sparks uses foreshadowing to create clues to what will happen later on in the novel. â€Å"Jamie, sometimes in life there are times when we will laugh and other times when we will cry†(Sparks 77). Landon Carter the main character says this to Jamie foreshadowing the loving relationship that will develop between the two. Irony took part in this book as well. Landon tells Jamie, â€Å"Jamie, I promise I will not fall in love with you. Now will you go to homecoming with me? †(Sparks 44). It’s quite ironic that he mentions that to Jamie because that’s exactly what he ends up doing. â€Å"As I watched the snow melt, and the fresh essence of spring coming through the air, i realized the most precious thing of all†¦ life†(Sparks 278). Landon realizes that life goes on, even during the coldest times. â€Å"†¦ Casting a prism of light across the slowly darkening water, splitting itself in to a thousand different parts, each more beautiful than the last†(Sparks 216). Landon describes this breath taking sunset at the lake in a perfect sequence of words using imagery. This next quote describes Landon’s feelings of fear and hurt he has when he finds out about Jamie’s leukemia. He describes himself as, â€Å"The blood drained from my face and a sheet of dizzying images fluttered through my mind†(Sparks 292). 57 year old Landon Carter narrates the past of his 17 year old self, from when his life changed drastically. The antagonist and the protagonist of the story is Landon himself. At 17 he was at war with himself to find out who he really was, and who he really wanted to be. This conflict is resolved when Landon if forced to participate in a Christmas play at the town church where his character plays the conductor of an orchestra who is looking for this mystery, music making, girl with the voice of an angel. That girl, is Jamie, the pastors daughter. During there rehearsals Landon finds himself infatuated with Jamie. Jamie brings a whole new light and perspective to Landon’s life. When Landon confesses his love for Jamie, Jamie gets upset because she has to tell him she is sick with leukemia and she has less than a year to live. Landon is angry that their time together is limited, but he still finds himself falling for her more and more everyday. Landon Carter is the popular punk in High School. His foolish ways face him with consequences of an â€Å"after school†activity in a play at the local church. Out first Landon acts stubborn and unreliable. Of course when he lays eyes on Jamie he has need to know her more. A need to get inside her life. All Landon wants is to find out who he really is, to uncover his purpose. When he wasn’t looking, that purpose found him in the most peculiar place of all, inside Jamie’s heart. In A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks, it tells a story about a 17 year old who searches for his purpose, and ends up finding love. This romance is a must read. It starts off a little slow but once it gets going, you will not want to put the book down. Not only is it about love but it is also a tragedy. It’s a book that gives you hope in life, puts tears in your eyes, and a smile on your face. A Walk To Remember is a heart wrenching novel! Landon Carter can be described as a perfect character. Someone who was unreliable, a punk, and then turns out to be the most amazing guy ever. A Walk to Remember Essay When I was 17, my life changed forever. I’m 57 years old, but even now I can remember everything from that year, down to the smallest details. I relieve that year often in my mind, bringing it back to life, and I realize that when I do, I feel a strange combination of joy and sadness†¦. this is my story; I promise to leave nothing out. First you will smile, then you will cryâ€â€don’t say you haven’t been warned. ’’ Written by an international bestselling author and my personal favorite Nicholas sparks, comes a tale of true love, first love and everlasting love that you will never forget! A walk to remember’ is most definitely my favorite book of all time. The tale begins with a 57 year old Landon Carter, looking back at the year of 1958 set in, North Carolina. He remembers every single thing in that year. From the smell of both the sea and lilacs to the girl that changed everything in his life forever. Landon had already dated a girl or two. He even swore that he had once been in love. Certainly the last person in town he thought he’d fall for was Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of the town’s Baptist minister. A quiet girl who always carried a Bible with her schoolbooks, Jamie seemed content living in a world apart from the other teens. She took care of her widowed father, rescued hurt animals, and helped out at the local orphanage. Out of guilt and a bizarre twist of fate, Landon asks Jamie to the school dance and ends up volunteering to help her in the town church’s Christmas play. Over time, they become close friends, they share their dreams and aspirations with each other and strangely enough Jamie nurtured a very simple dream to get married in a church full of people where she could walk the aisle. As time passes, Jamie shows Landon how deep the human soul can be, opening his eyes to the power of undying faith and the strength of compassion and love. As their kinship grows, Jamie reveals that she has leukemia, a type of cancer, and her health begins to deteriorate. This totally breaks Landon and he goes frantic not knowing what to do. He finally turns to the bible that Jamie had given him. He looks for answers and finally realizes that his loves Jamie too much to let her dreams slip away. He knows what to do when he reads the following passage in the bible. â€Å"I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of you love by comparing it to the earnestness of others. †He asks Jamie to marry him. The most memorable part of the book is the wedding ceremony when Jamie gets up from her wheelchair and calls upon all of her remaining strength to walk down the aisle to stand beside Landon. It was as Landon recalls the most difficult walk anyone ever had to make. It was in every way a walk to remember. Soon enough Jamie passes away. But she doesn’t leave before teaching Landon the depths of the human heart; she teaches him the power of forgiveness. She was an angel in Landon’s eyes, who brought him and his father together and she taught him to believe in miracles. A walk to remember was published by grand central publishing in October 1999. It is a hardcover paperback consisting of 250 pages. A walk to remember is an entirely a work of fiction. Romantic drama is the genre of the book. This book is listed as no 12 on the list of 1999 best seller. A walk to remember, received mixed reviews from all over the world. 9% of the reviews being positive, there were some who didn’t share the same opinion as the rest of those who consider the book as unforgettable. while ‘ African sun times’ rates the movies as ‘ a remarkable love story that, like its predecessors will touch the hearts of readers everywhere’, Clarissa Cruz of ‘entertainment weekly’ pans the novel saying that its cliche riddled pros and twists can be predicted after skimming the prologue. A walk to remember is my favorite book because of the fact that it touched me so deeply. It was the first and only book that ever made me cry. It is a sweet, simple, and beautiful story of how love can lead to miracles. Some may consider it sappy, but that’s just how Mr. Sparks wanted it to be. It wasn’t a cheesy ending where Jamie miraculously recovers from cancer. Jamie teaches Landon forgiveness, she teaches him to pray, she teaches him love. There is a part in the book where Landon asks Jamie whether, she’s lost her faith. When she replies no, he asks her, whether it is because she thinks she will get better. And Jamie replies ‘no, it’s because it’s the only thing I have left’. And that’s what I learn from the book. Faith! Faith in god, faith in the fact that things will get better someday, faith that I will be a better person than I am today, faith that I’ll see my dreams come true. And finally I would like to conclude with a passage from the bible that Landon considered Jamie to be as the truest essence of its description. ‘Love is always patient and kind It is never boastful or conceited. Love takes no pleasure in other peoples pain. But delight in truth. It is always ready to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes†A Walk to Remember Essay If I were diagnosed with a terminal illness, I would probably change a lot of things in my life. The majority of people don’t take risks or make rash decisions on a daily basis because they know it will impact them the next day. There are so many sayings like ‘live in the present’ ‘live like there’s no tomorrow’ etc, but the problem is that for most people there IS a tomorrow. I’m not saying it’s bad to think about what you do before you do it by means though. In fact, I am a strong believer in thinking things out first- even to a fault sometimes-. So, if I were to be diagnosed with 6 months to live, that would most likely be the first thing I would change. I’m sure it would be crazily hard for my family and I if I had a terminal illness and I’m sure we would go through all 5 of the stages, but I don’t think it would hit us as hard as most. My family and I are strong Christian believers so we all know what will happen to us after we pass on. I believe that the stages of denial and bargaining would go over more smoothly with me than others I know. If I were diagnosed I have I feeling I would accept it easier than expected due to my beliefs and upbringing. In the movie â€Å"A Walk to Remember†Jamie and Landon go through the stages together, but in very different ways. Jamie has a much easier time with it than Landon because she knows what will happen to her when she dies while Landon had very undecided thoughts on the afterlife. Eventually after going through all the stages though, Landon’s view on life and death changed dramatically. He realized that life was too precious to worry about what people think about you and he learned to believe in himself. He turned into a better person overall and learned that everyday is a blessing. Because of Jamie’s faith in him, Landon starts to realize his potential; he applied for medical school and was accepted and started setting goals for his life. For Jamie on the other hand, she learns not to be afraid to fall in love. That even though she doesn’t have long to live; she shouldn’t deny herself some of the most important things in life. Her priorities changed to making sure she lived out her life as much she could with Landon. While Landon’s priorities changed in many aspects. He no longer cared what other people thought about him as Jamie became his main focus. When he decided to make all of Jamie’s dreams come true, he showed how selfless he was becoming and how his view on life and the people around him was changing. So all in all if I were told I had 6 months left to live, I would try and accept it as quickly as possible. Personally, I would be mad with myself if I wasted time being depressed while I could’ve been living my life. I know in reality I’m sure I would be depressed for at least a little bit of time, but I would try to get over that as quickly as possible so I could make my last 6 months the best they could be!
8 Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based Projects Essay
There are four types of IT Based projects which can be used in order to engage students in a higher plane of thinking. The resource-based project relates to finding information to make students go beyond the textbook material. Simple creations make students create their software material to support the need for relevant and effective materials. Guided hypermedia Projects produce self-made multimedia projects help students to create and post webpages on a given topic. These types of IT based projects could help students develop their skills and knowledge not just in learning not just in learning from textbooks but from the computer as well. Using IT-Based projects could help me a lot in my studies. I was able to develop my skills, and I know that I could improve my academic performance by the help of this subject. With the use of IT-Based projects and having enough knowledge with the use of computer, it was shown that students improved in the sense that the students would learn more than what is expected. They don’t just rely on the academic materials, but by using IT-Based Projects. The students would not just develop higher level of thinking but they could also develop their skills that could help them to be productive. Being a future educator, having this higher thinking skill through IT-Based project is advantageous for the reason that it could help the students in learning easily. The teacher wouldn’t find it hard also to engage them in a higher plane of thinking. I can say that I could make use of what I’ve learned from this topic. Because I know me and my future students could benefit from it. Web based project management software is the collection of programs, processes and information that is used to manage various phases of a project and that is accessible on the Internet. Project management entails processes such as scheduling, calculating a critical path, building timelines, creating task lists, managing resources, controlling documents and providing audit trails. Each of these processes can be controlled and sometimes automated through project management software solutions. Web based solutions are coded in a browser supported language such as HTML, ASP or PHP so they can be accessed by clients through a web browser. One main software version is installed and maintained on a server so that more than one client can access this version. One disadvantage to using Web-based software is that the program is usually slower to respond than a typical desktop or client application; Web-based applications are limited by the speed of one’s Internet connection, while client applications operate as quickly as the client’s processor speed. (If you can think of a better way to phrase this, by all means go ahead.) In addition, most information in Web-based applications is not accessible when a user is offline.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Wisdom of Whores
She then goes on to say hat â€Å"religious dogma crushes our efforts to translate good data into good HIVE prevention. †(Pl 88, Plans) In the book It goes on to say that power follows religion, and then money follows power and everyone follows money. To me I feel as If religion would be a good way to slow down the HIVE epidemic because, at a younger age if you're told about how sex and how it can cause HIVE which can cause death it would scare a lot of kids. If kids are learning about sex in a religious manner I feel as if adolescents would follow it more. If I was growing up with this I would be abstinent till marriage.George W. Bush thought the same way that the only way to avoid HIVE Is to teach our children to be abstinent. Yes Plans brings In the argument of sperm between women and men and how they need sex, but there's always ways around that like religion, and being taught to control that urge. She then goes on to say the increase of premarital sex and the decrease of prostitution would ultimately cut the risk of HIVE. She goes on to bring out an example of Thailand saying that they have taught us that with fewer men paying for sex from prostitutes lowers the risk for HIVE Infection. Also with that, there would be a larger condom use.I would have to disagree with this because if there was an Increase of premarital sex, it would just be a whole bunch of uneducated teenagers just going around having sex all the time. The only difference would be is that the men wouldn't have to be paying for this. She claims that condom use would be a lot higher, but if your increasing premarital sex, condoms defiantly would not be used and the HIVE epidemic would be still be around. Yes I agree that the numbers would go down, but I feel It wouldn't go down that much to make this a great development. The teenagers would have to be educated about HIVE and educated about safe sex.One of Aphasia's quotes had been â€Å"there's enough HIVE for everyone†, but in this little island of East Timer, there's actually wasn't enough HIVE for everyone. On this island there were many different HIVE organizations working on this island with not that many documented infected people. On this island there were only about seven people with HIVE. From Plane's conclusion she thought poverty, street children and joblessness does not make an HIVE epidemic In this society. Just because there wasn't enough prostitution or drug injection HIVE couldn't be high and all this money going onto this country about HIVE prevention wouldn't matter.In a society, I feel like poverty could cause HIVE because sooner or later people in the society will be selling there bodies for money. From what I understand, is that not everyone on this island is educated enough to get an HIVE test, because they are not educated about what HIVE Is. There should be different programs In this country to educate the people of east Limbo sot at n HIVE does not spread around Ana It stays ten s ame . Inure snout programs on safe sex using condoms, programs on not doing drugs and even prostitution.From reading this novel, the most interesting of points that caught my eye is the battle between how AIDS and HIVE is spread throughout the world. Is it spread through sex and drugs? Or is it spread over poverty and gender inequality? Pisa believes that sex and drugs is the main dilemma when it comes to the HIVE epidemic. Pisa brings up the point with Africa because 2/3 of the people infected in the world live in the countries around Africa. She brings out a good quote that caught my eye, â€Å"A schoolgirl in South Africa is thirteen times more likely to be infected with HIVE than a woman who sells sex for a living in China. Pl 24-125, Pisa) Ultimately, I would have to agree with Meads that poverty and gender inequality causes HIVE in poorer countries. In Africa, there is a humongous gap between the rich minority and the poor minority. With gender inequality, if men in a specifi c region are more literate then women HIVE will spread or of the population of a city is more males than women then HIVE will spread. Education is the biggest for me, where there is poverty, there are more uneducated people, and if those people don't know about safe sex, and diseases, then people will be infected.Where there is a society of poverty and uneducated people, both women and males will sell there bodies to make money and HIVE will be spread because unprotected sex would be taking place. On the other hand I do agree with Pisa but in another circumstance. I believe sex and drugs does cause HIVE and AIDS but only in high industrial countries like the United States or France. When the HIVE epidemic came into place in the United States, it was said that it was spread through party drugs and also sex with gay men. In a poorer country, like Africa poverty and gender inequality spreads aids because of the structural violence.
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