Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Community Connect
Community Connect Livingston County Residents – Come on Down to the 11th Annual Livingston County’s Community Connect! The 11th Annual Community Connect will be held on Saturday, February 3rd. This important community event provides a one-stop-shop for social services, legal and utility assistance/information, health screenings, free clothing and baby items, books, food, personal care products, and more. This is open to anyone in Livingston County.The event is hosted by the Homeless Continuum of Care Committee.Disability Attorneys of Michigan has participated in this event for many years. This event is a wonderful opportunity to obtain free resources from community members in Livingston County. Attorney Frank Cusmano and our paralegal Daniel Dzierbicki look forward to attending this year’s event! We hope to see you there!Community Connect provides a one-stop-shop for a variety of services including:Social ServicesLegal utility assistance/informationHealth screeningFree clothingFree booksFree FoodFree personal care itemsSave The DateDate:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â à ‚   Saturday February 3, 2018Time:             9:00am – 2:00pmPlace:             Parker Middle SchoolAddress:         400 Wright Road, Howell MI 48843To learn more about this event click here.With the help of hundreds of community volunteers, including staff members from Disability Attorneys of Michigan, residents throughout Livingston County will be able to receive a variety of services.Disability Attorneys of Michigan. Compassionate Excellence.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Study for the SAT
How to Study for the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT is an extremely important test for those planning to attend college. It's definitely not one to neglect or ignore until the last minute. Preparing for the exam is the only way to make sure you're doing your best on test day. Well, that's all well and good, but how exactlydo you study? It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect, or else overloaded by information from a number of different sources all claiming to have the answer to every one of your testing woes. Read on for myvery best suggestions on how to study for the SAT, based on my extensive experience as a tutor.I'llcover eachstep you need totaketo improve your score, from finding the best SAT practice tests to setting a goal to fine-tuning your section strategies. After reading this article, you'll know exactly how to prepare for the SAT. The 3 Guiding Principlesof SATPrep While we've gotplenty of specific advice on how to studyfor the SAT, there are also some more general concepts that underlieall aspects of theprocess. #1: Personalize Your Program It's crucial that you individualize any plan to fityour needs. We might be the experts on the SAT, but you're the expert onyou.All the suggestions in this guide should be looked at with the understanding that you can tweak them to fit what you, individually, need. If, for example, you need to study three times a day for a shorter period of time rather than knocking it all out in one chunk in the evening, that's fine. If the opposite is true for you, that's fine, too. Do what will work best for you. #2: Leave Plenty of Time to Study If you're looking for an improvement of 100 points or thereabouts, three months is a good amount of time. If you need something significantly more substantial, though, you might want to stretch that timeline out to six months.This means you should have a good idea of your goal at least six months before the SAT. This ensures you'll have time to takeappropriate action, even if that action is letting it rest for three months. Get that test date on your mental calendar. #3: Do What You Can With What You Have It's always better to do something than it is to do nothing. For instance, if you don't have the aforementioned three tosix months, use what you do have to your best advantage.If you simply can't take a practice exam in one sitting without getting interrupted, take it in several sittings. Not having ideal circumstances is not an excuse to sit on your hands and do nothing. SAT Study Plan: 10-Step Process Now that we've established the basic ideas you need to keep in mind, let's coverthe actual steps of how to study for the SAT. Step 1: Read Up on the SAT Find out any information you're not sure about. What is the SAT? How is it scored? What score do you need to maximize your chances of getting into your dream school? Find the answers to all these questions (and more) on our extensive SAT blog.In short, spend time learning what to expect from the test so that you'll be prepared for what it looks like and how to approach each section and question type on test day. Step 2:Take Your First Practice Test This first attempt should definitely be anofficial practice exam.This is the closest you can get to an actual SAT without taking it. Published by the College Board, official practice SAT tests are extremely representative of the SAT. Do your best on this first run-through;itwill serve as your baseline, indicating how well you are currently able to perform on the SAT. In the same vein, it's important totake this test under actual exam conditions. Sit in a quiet, well-lit room and time yourself using official time constraints. This will help your practice score be as accurateas possible. Step 3:Score Your Practice Exam Spend some time reflecting on your results. Review every question you got wrong,determining why it was wrong and why the correct answer was right. If there are any questions you got right by guessing, try to nail those down, too.Most official practice tests includeanswer explanations, which area great tool you can use to aid your studying. You can also try plugging the right answer back into the problem and working through it with the end in sight. Does it make any more sense this way? Don't ignore outside resources,such as your teachers, tutors, or parents.Ask someone when you need help figuring something out. Once you've got a grip on your answers, use this information to determine your strongest and weakest areas of the test. The SAT includes subscores, which will help you zero in specific types of problems, so don't forget to pay attention to those results, too.The areas in which you struggle more consistently are the areas you're going to focus on in the coming weeks. Your results might not look like this the first time through. Step 4:Set a Goal Score You know what the SAT is like, and you know how you perform on it. Now, take time to consider what a reasonable goal score might be for you. This goal should be achievable: don't expect a 600-point increase over your practice score. It's fine to set a goal that's a stretch,though. Don't give up on your dream school just because one practice exam didn't come back in the full glory you'd hoped for. To set a specific SAT goal score, you'll need to know the average scores of admitted applicants to the schools you're applying to. Your goal score must be higher than these averages to give you the best chance of admission. For more info, take a look atour step-by-step guide on how to set an SAT goal score. Step 5:Decide What Tools You'll Need to Use Consider how far you have to go to reach your goal score as well as what resources are available to you. The more of a gain you need to make, the more intensive your methods will need to be. Consider whether it's reasonable to think you can afford individual tutoring, a group class, or an online prep program. The SAT is important, no doubt, but there's no use in overstepping the bounds of your means for it. Do what you can with what you have. As you gather resources, be savvy about evaluating them. Are they official (endorsed by the College Board) or unofficial? Official resources are best becausethey mimic the test as closely as possible. If you're looking at an online program or tutor, what kind of credentials do they boast? Have students who've used them seen a lot of improvement? These are the sorts of questions it's important to ask yourself. Now, you can always work solo.There are plenty of resourcesyou can use to correct any issues that come up, including SAT books, prep websites, apps, and the SAT's partner siteKhan Academy. These resources can be very helpful, and many of them are free. Realize, though, that working entirely on your own with resources like these might not be enough. Think about what other resources you can access if possible. You can also work with an online prep program. These are great because they personalize their recommendations based on your performance, provide plenty of personal attention to tracking trends in your work, and are generally more affordable than in-person options. Unfortunately, you're missing that in-person contact that can be sovaluable. Another option is to work in a group class. These courses are a great way to get the support of both peers and an instructor. You can ask questions and review the content that's most important to you. Classes are also more affordable, in most cases, than individual tutoring. The degree of personalization, however, suffers because of the group format. Finally, you can work with an individual tutor, eitheronline or in-person. This option maximizes the individual and purely custom attention you get;you get an expert walking you, personally, through every step of the way. That being said, prices are frequently prohibitive,and your time with your tutor will probably be limited week by week. Whatever tools you're using, make sure they help you learn. Step 6:Set a Pattern of Practicing Generally, if you've given yourself plenty of time, you should be looking at somewhere between30 minutes and three hours a sitting- closer to 30 minutes if you're practicing daily, and closer to three hours if you're only practicing a couple times a week. YourSAT study plan is something to personalize.Small, manageable, regular chunks of time are ideal, but listen to your own needs. Don't cheat yourself out of study time in the name of personalization! Plan to use a combination of books and videos,as well as any class or tutor available to you (the College Board has a free Question of the Day app to look into, too). Set these resources into your regular schedule;don't plan to study for three hoursthe same day as your three-hour SAT class. Step 7:Take Another Practice Exam Ideally, this should take place about a month after you start studying. Otherwise, take it when you can, even if that's two weeks after you start or two months after you start. Just don't take it within a few days before the actual test. Frying your brain completely isn't going to help you reach your goal score on test day. Once again, score your practice test carefully,checking the explanation forevery question you got wrong. See where you've grown, where you've stagnated, and where you've backslidden. Figure out where you need to redouble your efforts and where you can ease off a little. Step 8:Adjust Your Study Plan Based on Your Progress Don't forget to stillstudy areas of consistent strength- just brush them off periodically,though, rather than dwelling in your comfort zone. With areas of persistent weakness, make sure to studythese areas using a variety of angles,and drill the problems you've already worked through until they become second nature to you. If you're backsliding, increase your attention to that topic.If you're growing, stay on course. Continue to make use of the resources that are working well for you. Step 9:Repeat Steps7 and 8 In the early stages of a more leisurely plan, take a practice test every month or so.In the later stages, bump it up to every week or so. If your study plan is more compressed, you might need to start straight away with a test every week or every other week. Try to maximize the number of practice tests you take without totally burning yourself out.Four or five practice tests is a great number to shoot for, roughly. Don't forget to adjust your study plan after each practice test based on your results. Hopefully the cycle of studying will be more stimulating than this fellow's treadmill. Step 10:Maintain Self-Care The week before the SAT, start putting the brakes on studying by slowingdown your pace. A day or two before the test, stop studying altogether.Your know what you're going to know, so there's no use stressing at this late point in time. Instead, make sure you're resting up and putting things in order for test day. Get a solid amount of sleep for at least three nights before the test.Gather your supplies prior to the morning of. Plan to eat a healthy breakfast on test day, lay out your outfit the night before, and know what time you need to leave so you'll arrive in time for the test. Reminders for Your SAT Studying When you take your practice tests, use them as an opportunity to get familiar with the format and instructions. Pay solid attention to these aspects of the exam so you don't waste valuable time on test day rereading them. In your studying, don't forget the worthof simple, active reading.It's invaluable. Try to read challenging literature across genres, and actively engage with what you're reading. This will help you do even better on the SAT Reading and Writing sections. Set minor goals as a way to achieve your major goals. For example, if your goal score is pretty far from your baseline score, aim for smaller increases in-between practice tests and try to hit those instead. Most importantly, acknowledge the progress you're making. Lastly, find a buddy- a friend, parent, guidance counselor, etc.- who can encourage you, make suggestions in your process, and hold you accountable to your goals. Conclusion: How to Study for the SAT Studying for the SAT can be daunting, but it's less daunting if you head into it with a plan. Remember to leave yourself plenty of time,assess your strengths and weaknesses, and consider all the resources available to you. Allot plenty of time for studying and doing practice tests so that you can get used to the SAT format and learn what to expect on test day. Finally,remember to breathe and take care of yourself.The SAT is a tool to get you into the college you want to attend- it's not anything that should own you. What's Next? Not sure when to start studying for the SAT?We've got a detailed discussion of the benefits of starting early. Be sure to also check out our complete SAT study planfor more tips on when to start prepping. Want to learn how to build an SAT study plan? Look no further. We've gotfour sample SAT study plans you can use as well as a four-step guide onhow to study for the SAT in a month. Are you aiming for a perfect SAT score? Read aboutthe steps you can take to get there, written by our resident full scorer. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Analyze the cultural impact of online communities, such as those Essay
Analyze the cultural impact of online communities, such as those discussed in Finding One's Own Space in Cyberspace and 7 Things You Should Know about Blogs as - Essay Example She describes one of these bars as â€Å"absolutely terrifying. Huge, bearded men bulging out of their leather vests and pants leered at me. I hid in the corner and tried not to make eye contact with anyone†(129). Although she is an intelligent woman, and many men who hang out in biker bars can carry on very interesting, very intelligent conversations, the physicality of the environment with the reciprocal stereotyping that evidently occurred (Bruckman saw the men as little more than thugs, the ‘thugs’ saw her as little more than meat) prevented any of these conversations from happening and precluded any possibility of future intellectual or cultural encounters. Issues of physical location between strangers are also overcome through online communities as discussed in the article â€Å"7 Things You Should Know About Blogs.†By removing questions of physicality, online communities can facilitate much greater communication among cultures and interest groups a s conversations are held according to true interest levels rather than being based upon or limited by a specific physical image or location. The ability of online communities to form regardless of physical location is emphasized in the article â€Å"7 Things You Should Know About Blogs.†In the traditional classroom, it is usually presumed that students are able to discuss various aspects of their lessons with each other. However, as the sidebar of the article illustrates, the online community enabled the students of at least one traditional classroom to have more in-depth and frequent conversation with each other than even this close environment afforded: â€Å"By the end of the course †¦ [the students] form rich connections with one another and the content and – because of the reflection and sharing – find great relevance in the material. Several students continue to blog after the course is over†(â€Å"7 Things†: 1). In exactly the same way blogging helped
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development in Thank You for Smoking (2005) Essay
Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development in Thank You for Smoking (2005) - Essay Example Some of the characters in the film swing across these moral stages, depending on their changing goals and target audiences. Characters in â€Å"Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment†display morality that comes from following authority (Crain, 1985). Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart) shows Stage 1 morality because he is initially focused on what his boss and company think is right. Instead of following the government or traditional social norms, Naylor follows the goals and norms of his company and boss. Naylor’s boss BR (J.K. Simmons) seeks for ideas on making smoking a more lucrative business. He tells Naylor: â€Å"We don't sell Tic Tacs, we sell cigarettes. And they’re cool, available, and addictive†(Sacks & Reitman, 2005). Naylor responds with a recommendation of product placement in the movies. He is responding to the pressure of doing what is right, based on what his company demands from him. Furthermore, Naylor displays loyalty to his boss, even when the latter does something wrong. BR steals Naylor’s idea of product placement in the movies and presents it to Captain (Rob ert Duvall) as his own. Naylor does not correct Captain anymore for fear of reprisal. Morality, in this stage, is â€Å"external†to the people, and not something they feel they must be personally responsible for, so they follow their bosses as the basis of their morality (Crain, 1985). Aside from Stage 1, characters in Thank You for Smoking exhibit morality in â€Å"Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange,†when they focus on the relativity of morals and the importance of making compromises to gain something. Naylor shifts to Stage 2, when he explains to his son that being right heavily relies on one’s argumentation skills. He tells his son: â€Å"That’s the beauty of argument, if you argue correctly, you're never wrong.†Morality is relative to the person doing the argumentation and his/her persuasiveness. Furthermore, flexible morality is another indicator of an individualistic approach to morality. Naylor admits to his son that to be in his job, he must have â€Å"flexible morals†(Sacks & Reitman, 2005). Flexible morals allow him to stay unaffected of the negative views on tobacco smoking. Jeff Megall (Rob Lowe) is another example of someone who manifests Stage 2 because he is not concerned of maintaining the social order or universal principles. Megall emphasizes that individuals have different opinions, so he calls himself a â€Å"facilitator†because â€Å"people decide for themselves†(Sacks & Reitman, 2005). He believes in the individual differences of morality and does not judge them. Heather Holloway (Katie Holmes) illustrates Stage 1 morality too because she exchanges something to gain another. She enters into a sexual affair with Naylor, so that she can access and expose his secrets as a reporter (Sacks & Reitman, 2005). These are examples of people, who believe in individualistic views of morality, as well as the flexibility needed to undergo social transactions for the purposes of personal gai n. The next stage is â€Å"Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships,†and characters show this level of morality, when they do what is good based on what their family and community value as good behaviors (Crain, 1985). Naylor wants to be a better father to his son. In order to do this, he thinks that it is right to spend more time with him. Joey’s mother and stepfather are alarmed of what he is learning and inhaling from his father, but Naylor does not care, because he simply wants to have more quality time with Joey (Sacks
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Types of Literature Essay Example for Free
Types of Literature Essay 1) Novella A novella is the name given to a work that is longer than a short story, but too brief to be listed as a novel. Typically, most novellas can range from anywhere between 50 to 100 pages, though length can vary. Some literary critics characterize the maximum length of a novella to be 100,000 words. Today, the novella is rarely sold as an individual work. More frequently, several novellas are compiled into one book, or a novella will be grouped with a number of short stories by the same author. (Ex. John W. Campbell’s Who goes there? ) 2) Novel A novel is a fictional piece of prose usually written in a narrative style. Novels tell stories, which are typically defined as a series of events described in a sequence. The novel has been a part of human culture for over a thousand years, although its origins are somewhat debated. Regardless of how it began, the novel has risen to prominence and remained one of the most popular and treasured examples of human culture and writing. (Ex.Moby Dick by Herman Melville) 3) Poetry art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. (Ex. How to change a frog into a Prince by Anna Denise) 4) Drama is a literary composition involving conflict, action crisis and atmosphere designed to be acted by players on a stage before an audience. This definition may be applied to motion picture drama as well as to the traditional stage. (Ex. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare) 5) Short Story are written works that are usually fiction. They are sometimes known as micro fiction or flash fiction, and they are exceptionally short pieces that tell a story in a brief amount of space and time. Most short short stories are shorter than 1500 words, and some are even as short as 500 words. It is exceptionally difficult to tell a complete story in such a short amount of space, so these types of stories can be quite a challenge for writers. Literary magazines and other websites or print publications will often print such stories to fill a small amount of space at press time. (Ex. The Clever Fox)
Thursday, November 14, 2019
My Response Phase Portfolio - Hot-Seating, Roleplay, Cross-cutting, :: Drama
My Response Phase Portfolio - Hot-Seating, Roleplay, Cross-cutting, and Marking the moment. My Response Phase Portfolio Hot-Seating When we Hot-seated Johnny we found out a lot of information about the character. Little things such as "How old are you?" helped. By Hot-seating we learned that even such things , that matter so little can help develop a drama. We could also find out personal details that he probably didn't want anyone else to know. By doing this we could then decide how to develop the plot and characters. For example, If I asked Johnny "Where do you live?" and his reply was "By the Sea", we could produce a scene on the beach. This is just a typical example of how Hot-seating helps. Roleplay When we did a short Roleplay we could see how Johnny acted towards life, and this allowed to take a sneak at what everyday life is like for Johnny. We also got to see how he acted towards family and friends. On rare occasions we might be able to see how Johnny got himself into this situation. This helped us explore the text because we could see how he acted and what he does, If there are any problems and could those problems be solved. For example we might see Johnny in a pub with a drug gang after him because he owes money. We can now understand and see how and what life is like for Johnny. We (As an audience) could then decide whether to deal with the problem or just let it get out of hand. This is just an typical example of how Roleplay helps. Cross-cutting When we used Cross-cutting we saw how Johnny got himself into this bad situation of a drinking problem. This helped because we could see how others reacted to his drinking problems. For example we found out that Johnny's parents really did care for him, even though Johnny went around telling people his family were dead and that they wouldn't care anyway. We found this strategy helped because we could see what life was like before and while his problem occurred. Marking The Moment We marked the moment when we was developing our first scene in our drama. The scene was about Johnny in a pub, he was there drowning his sorrows. However when he thought life couldn't get worse 2 drug addicts came in asking for their money. Johnny had to tell them that he didn't have the money and they didn't like it. So they beat him up and leave him on the pub floor, threatening him before they leave. and he was being chased up by drug addicts for there moneyText Box: .
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ted Hughes Birthday Letters
BIRTHDAY LETTERS Introduction: Conflicting perspectives are different points of view expressed and influenced by ones context and values. â€Å"Birthday Letters†by Ted Hughes is an anthology of poems challenging the accusation that he was responsible for his wife, Sylvia Plath’s death. The three poems The Minotaur, Your Paris, and Red are an insight into Hughes justification of the death of Plath using a very subjective and emotive poetic form. The poems possess many deliberate techniques such as extended metaphors, connotations, diction and juxtaposition to encourage the audience to accept his argument that he was not the one to blame for this world renown tragedy. The poem Daddy by Sylvia Plath also displays conflicting perspectives of the relationship between Plath. THE MINOTAUR Techniques: The destructive power of her personality is vividly conveyed through verbs, such as ‘smashed’, with its sense of overstated activity. Sarcastic dialogue – Sarcastic dialogue is used as Hughes words within the context of the incident. Get that shoulder in your stanzas and we’ll be away†is focusing on the anger within her personality and suggests she fails to incorporate these tendencies in her poetry. Hughes positions himself as calm and encouraging her in her art. Quotes: She was â€Å"Demented by my being†, and â€Å"Twenty minutes late for baby minding. †Here we see how truth depends on perspective, on who is telling it, based on how they saw it, and now how they tell it. That she was ‘demented’ may have been simply to his trivial error or that carelessness on Hughes’s part may have been the last straw in a sequence of events which had driven her mad. Towards the end of the poem the repetition of ‘your, â€Å"Your marriage, your children, your mother†creates an accusatory tone. Hughes has purposefully written himself out of the equation. Conclusion: This poem highlights the conflicting perspective of Hughes and his relationship with Plath, and gives reason that because of Plath’s mental instability he could not possible be responsible for her death. RED Techniques: Redness is present physically, but for Hughes its essential truth is metaphorical. Quotes: In this poem, we can see how variable one’s perspective can be in poetry and in this collection in particular. Hughes begins decisively â€Å"Red was your colour†. This appears to be a factual statement, a simple declaration, but immediately he undermines it â€Å"If not red, then white. †When he tries to understand why red might have been so important to Plath, he puts his suggestion in the hesitation of a question, â€Å"Was it blood? †His interpretation is complicated by uncertainty. Our perspective of others can be obscured and complicated by our uncertainties. A third colour concludes the poem, Blue. This was not Plath’s colour. Hughes is arguing, but it was â€Å"better for you†. It has healing powers also. Whiteness and the extremity of redness represent the polarities if her life, her quest for purity and the pain and passion of her existence. Hughes concludes that Plath’s inability to be nurtured by the kindly spirit of blue was what destroyed her. He feels that when she gave up blue, she lost normality, symbolising blue as a precious jewel which she lost. To support the originally firm statement that red was Plath’s colour, Hughes presents evidence which clearly supports its truthfulness, â€Å"Our room was red†. Curtains and window-seat all matched, however there was an exception, â€Å"the bookshelves escaped into whiteness†. This suggests that they were exceptional. The idea of red as Plath’s colour is reinforced. Conclusion: The summary of Plath through symbolism of these colours reveals everything about Plath and their relationship, reinforcing many arguments Hughes presents throughout his anthology. YOUR PARIS Quotes: The poem â€Å"Your Paris†indicates that from the beginning of their marriage, their perspectives on life were different, antagonistic. It also shows how Hughes was uncomprehending in the face of his wife’s personality and how he tried to come to terms with it. His version of the city was so different that â€Å"I kept my Paris from you†. It was the wartime city, occupied by the Germans, As Hughes registers their different responses to the city, and he finds a way of telling the truth about their different selves and the tension between them. The irony of this is that the situation is taking place on their honeymoon, although this is a biographical fact to which Hughes does not explicitly refer. That omission is suggestive of the problems of the relationship. Plath’s spoken responses to Paris, which enabled her to cope with the intensity of its impact upon her, produced a negative reaction in Hughes, â€Å"It was diesel aflame†, and â€Å"To the dog in me†. Conclusion: Your Paris is written from Hughes’s Perspective about Plath’s perspective, thus it is unclear whether Plath truly valued the significance of Paris. Hughes initial conflicting perspectives of Plath are represented in the poem. YOUR DADDY Quotes: In Plath’s poem ‘Daddy’, Hughes begins by pointing out that mere human beings were insufficient for Plath’s worship, she needed â€Å"a god†. The psychological explanation for this desire is the death of her â€Å"Daddy†. Hughes writes, â€Å"His death touched the trigger†. This sets in motion Plath’s search for a god to replace her vanished father. This is a plausible psychological explanation, but it is not necessarily true, this is his perspective of that matter. Plath’s life after her father’s death was like â€Å"The fury, of a high velocity bullet†. Those she chose as gods were â€Å"too mortal†to withstand the impact. Hughes undoubtedly includes himself in that category. The scar which Plath had on her cheek is seen, not as an imperfection, but like a groove in the barrel of a shotgun â€Å"To keep you true†, that is to fire the bullet correctly. Hughes is a target, but the real target was behind him, â€Å"Your Daddy†. Hughes laments the fact that he was not able to manage the deadly bullet of her personality. He could only handle the remains of her life, â€Å"a wisp of hair, your ring, your watch, your nightgown. The image of Plath’s father as â€Å"the god with the smoking gun†suggests a duel between father and daughter. She was aiming to get revenge on her father for betraying her by dying. He had the final victory however, in her suicide which took her back to him, â€Å"To bury yourself at last in the heart of god†. Conclusion: The poem Daddy allows us to discover the true perspective of Plath and Hughes’ relationship, which contrasts against Hughes own perspective. Their collective representations of Plath’s father do not conflict their perspectives. Conclusion: Overall, it is evident that Ted Hughes represented Sylvia Plath as a young and talented woman in his descriptions in the letters to Aurelia Plath. Hughes perspective of Plath changes and he details his former wife’s emotional struggle in his ‘Birthday Letters’ anthology. Thus, it is obvious that perspectives change overtime, and thorough analyse and viewing of different texts created by various composers relating to the relationship of Hughes and Plath, we discover that each text represents a different perspective regarding their relationship.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Significance of Cultural Differences for Foreign Companies
My essay is about significance of cultural differences for international companies which want to set up a business in China. To do a clearly demonstration, I break it down into 3 parts: First is an example that the culture differences affect international companies in China; Second is the significance of these cultural differences; Third is how the companies would overcome them. For the first part, there will be examples of international companies which set up a business in China. As we know, since China joined the WTO in 2001, many foreign companies were attracted by China’s huge market and lower labour cost. But some of them experienced hard times when they came into Chinese market. The unfamiliar of the cultural difference is a very important factor. From their experience, we can have a direct impression of how the culture differences would trouble for foreign companies in China. Second part is very important. As I choose China as the country. I will try to show some Chinese features, which are the Chinese cultural difference from others. I will to analysis why the cultural differences are significance and what effects they will cause. Real evidence will be given to support my idea. The third part is most critical, because it is not enough for us just know about the problems. We should find out ways to solve them. I will from four parts to demonstration, and try to cover the ways which can both improve the ability of foreign companies to deal with cultural difference in China as possible as I can. Example that the culture differences affect international companies in China: Looking back at past, we can find that China has been the first place of absorbing international capital in all developing countries for nearly 18 years. Since China joined the WTO in 2001, many international companies had been attracted by China’s huge market, lower labour cost, preferable government policies for foreign investors. But in fact, we can easily find some of them had come across a hard Why KFC had a better development than McDonalds? The reason is KFC was more careful to deal with culture difference in China. Before the year 2004, the McDonalds focus their customer group on children, and then parents and young people. Meanwhile, KFC focus on young people, then children and parents. We cannot say McDonalds strategy was wrong, because it brought great successful for it in USA. But it is not suitable in China. A survey made by China Chain Operation Association (CCFA) showed that no matter in the ratio of customers number or the ratio of money consume, the young people account for more than 60%. After 2005, McDonalds push-off its new series called â€Å"I just like it†, and changed their strategy to young people, the situation came better. This is an example of difference of the market positioning caused by the culture difference. [3] The McDonalds’ failure was not only because of this. It also ignored that people in different culture background may have different tastes. The GADLING website (2005) [4] showed that before 2005, while KFC began to create some news kinds of foods which were fit for Chinese people’s tastes, such as the Traditional Peking Chicken Loaf, Tomato and Egg Soup, the McDonalds still insisted on its western taste hamburger. In this period, the McDonalds had to cut half price to attract customers. And there was a thing which had a very bad influence about McDonalds. The Sina website [5] has some details about it. In June, 2005, McDonalds pushed a new advertisement. One scene of this advertisement is a man kneels down to beg the McDonalds lengthen the promotion period. This advertisement caused a very bad effect. Because in China, kneel down is very important and serious thing. Chinese people think kneel down to others is a sign of lost dignity. In some countries, people may regard it just as a funny advertisement. But in China, this kind of advertisement should be avoided. This is the difference of philosophy caused by different culture. It is also which the international company should be careful. The McDonalds’ example shows us how the cultural differences affect international companies in China. Then, in the following part, I will give a more clearly demonstration based on real evidence and shows what are the China’s specificity and why the culture differences is significance for international companies in China. Significance of cultural differences in China Culture is a very widely identity. For a company, we usually consider two main parts: the national culture, and the corporate culture. So when talk about Chinese culture’s influence to international firms, I will include both Chinese national culture and Chinese corporate culture. For Chinese national culture, we need to consider many parts, such as the philosophy. Because of the long history, China has formed very complete and complicated philosophy, which has a great different from western countries. Some traditional ideas are still kept in every Chinese people’s mind. A simple example is the advertisement of McDonalds mentioned above. Kneel down in China could never be a joke or used in an advertisement. Because of the influence of Confucianism, Chinese people in some parts are more conventional than western people. Some things which have a strong sex and violence implication may be forbidden by the government. The Techcn website (2009) [6] has showed that one of the reasons why Google suffer from a failure in China in 2007 is the Chinese most powerful media CCTV made it public that Google can link to some porn websites. It would be a common thing in some countries, but in China, this let Google at the disadvantage. â€Å"Abstract, Characteristics of national cultures have frequently been claimed to influence the selection of entry modes†(Bruce Kogut) [7]. After these years of developing, Chinese market has formed its own potential market culture. It means the sales models which are successful in other countries may not work in China. To take Best Buy for an example, as the world chain electronics giant, the Best Buy didn’t have a satisfactory performance in Chinese market. An report on Netease website (2010) [8] shows that after Best Buy opened the first shop in China in 2006, it only opened 7 shops in the following 4 years. And in the 2009, while the Best Buy had done a good job in global market, which has about 45 billion dollars sales, it didn’t make a profit in Chinese market. One important factor is Best Buy insisted on its traditional model, decorated the shop and hired the sales promotion person by themselves. But in China, these things are always hand to the suppliers. This cause high cost for Best Buy and also caused for discontent of the suppliers. The suppliers in China were not like the ways which Best Buy play down the publicity of product brands, while enhance the publicity of its own brand. If Best Buy can not get the support of Chinese suppliers, its failure is an understandable result. This kind of potential market rules are critical but easily to be ignored. How to overcome cultural differences After discussed the significance of cultural difference, and the bad effects they will make, we should try to find ways to overcome them. To deal with this, I will from 4 parts to analysis. First is the foreign companies should find a suitable management mode. The reason of some foreign companies failed in Chinese market was their management mode didn’t adapt to Chinese market to a large extend. Like Best Buy I had mentioned above, even though its management mode had been proved successful in North America. It didn’t work well in China. In my personal view, the main advantage of foreign companies is their tremendous capital and their foreign background. So when the foreign companies enter Chinese market, they can learn the management mode which Chinese native companies have. Then they can use their advantages to have a foothold in the Chinese market, and continuing complete their management mode based on their improved understanding about Chinese market. Second is the companies should do clearly and comprehensive market research before they come into Chinese market. The researches which are just about the market prospect are not nearly enough. They should investigate other things like Chinese culture, government policies, the operating mode of market. These kinds of research can provide the companies much more clearly understanding about Chinese market. At least they will not make some silly mistakes when they enter Chinese market. Third is about the employ of staff. To employ staff, the companies can give priority to overseas students and the people who had the experience of working in other foreign companies. These kinds of people are more easily to adapt to the different kinds of culture in the companies. Meanwhile, they can deal with things based on Chinese practical situation, which means more efficient in sometimes. And in my opinion, the top level of the company’s Chinese branch should have at least one Chinese people, it is not only because he or she has a deeply understand about China, but his or her personal networking with others can bring some help for the company. It is also kind of Chinese specific culture, networking with others sometimes are as important as own strength. The last one is staff training and internal management [10]. The foreign company should pay attention on the training of staffs. For the Chinese staffs, the training should include the part of training them to adapt the company’s culture and ways to deal with things. For the staffs from the home country, the company should train them about the Chinese culture, at least the part in relation to their professional business. And the internal management should consider about Chinese people’s value view and norms, it should be more humanization and can provide the staffs a more stable life, that’s what most of Chinese people desirous. Conclusion: To summarise, the cultural different is a very important problem which troubles most of foreign companies. For these companies, the incomprehension of Chinese people’s and market’s view about value and norms is one of the factors which limit their development in China. Things like the potential market culture of China; the cultural conflicts inside and outside the company; the different taste and tendency for Chinese people had brought a lot of problems for the foreign companies. That’s why some foreign companies which are very strength didn’t perform well in China. To overcome those problems caused by the cultural difference, the companies should do clearly and comprehensive researches for different parts of China and Chinese culture, and they should not overconfidence about their management mode even they are successful in other countries. Meanwhile, the companies should try to employ the people who are familiar about China. It can help the companies blend in Chinese society and market. The companies should also enhance the training of both Chinese staff and staff from home country. It will reduce the conflict between two cultures in the company. A humanize internal management mode and treatment which can provide staffs more stable life will also be helpful to attract Chinese people and reduce the rate of job-hopping.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
DermaCare Essay Example
DermaCare Essay Example DermaCare Essay DermaCare Essay Headquartered in Livermore, California, Deer macabre was a start-up even true that planned to market its There unclear acne-treatment device d directly to consume mere using direct response television Scimitar was Dressmakers CEO, and he h and his co founders, Lu Uzi Dad Silva and George Choir were excited AIBO UT the company NYSE prospects. Early clinical trials show wed that the Thermonuclear acne device made pimp apples disappear twice as quo quickly as those left untreated. With those results in hand, Iconic mar and Chi hoi approached angel investors, including Silicon Valley-based V Band of Angels, to raise a Series A ROR undo. Just beef re Thanksgiving vine, the Band Of Angels sent Scimitar a term sheet that offered the company NY $1. 5 million on, assuming a $4. 5 million n pacification Eng valuation. Shortly thereafter, the CEO unexpectedly received d a competing Eng term sheet from Foundation Capital, a venture capital (PVC) firm where his good friend and form mere businesses school classmate Charles Mold was partner. The Vics term sheet offered the com many $4. 0 million in fun ending, assuming a $7. 65 million fascinating value caution. Mold owe structured d the proposed d deal so that Daydreamer would receive e$l million on up front an ND the remain ender after thee Food and Drug D Administration (FDA A) gave Dermatome clearance to market its acne deep vice. Scimitar was in a quandary. The angel and PVC offers were markedly different, and Scimitar was still deciding which one to t recommend d to Dad Silvia and Chi. On O first glean once, the angel term sheet seemed Moore attractive. It offered thee level of fun ending the com many had asked for with h less who whether the $11. 5 million was w really ad adequate to get the dilution. However, the CEO wondered company past the next hurdle. The clinical trials were taking longer than expected, which would w delay FDA paper oval; and thee manufacturing costs for the device were comic Eng in higher than anticipated. On en thing Scimitar knew for certain: He H was eager to close the financing ROR undo. The corn many was running short on cash an ND had recently increased its monthly burn rate after hiring its first employ eye-?an Eng ginger. Furthermore, Deer macabre was at best several months from launching Eng its There unclear device, and a com imitative prod duct-?the Ozone Zit Zapper-?had already beaten them to market. Scimitar a was also ready to get a paycheck; he h had spent the last year working on 0 the Deer macabre venture without pay. Jasper barked at the front door, clearly anxious to get outside De. As mar thought about the or out they woo old take aura undo the tree-lined neighbor Rhoda, he decided to vary their usual walk to avoid his friend Mallows ho use a block away way. Professor or Richard G. Ham mummers and Research Associate Lauren Barley prepared d this case. HOBS cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussion. Cases are not in intended to serve ass endorsements, so urges of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. Get 0 2007, 2010 President and Fellow of Harvard College. To order copies or request perm mission to reproduce materials, call 1 -8800-copyright 7685, write Harvard Busing news School publish hint, Boston, MA 021 63, or go to Hobs. Hard vary. Deed. No part of this publication n may be reproduce cued, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spread dishes, or transmitted in any form or by any mean ins-?electronic, mechanical, photocopy Opining, recording or o otherwise-?with hoot the permission of Harvard Busing news School. This document is authorized for use only by Rachel van Muenster in Entrepreneurial Law and Finance taught by Rafael P. Ribs, at HE OTHER from February 2015 to March 2015. 808-064 Daydreamer: Zapping Zits Directly Daydreamer Expounders Luis Dad Silva Dad Silva, a native of Canada, received a PhD in physics from the University of British Columbia in 1988. Soon thereafter, Dad Silva moved to California for the opportunity to work with the worlds most powerful laser at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LEN). By 1997, Dad Silva was ready for a new halogen. He and his boss then started the medical technology program at LEN, and Dad Silva explained his role as its associate program director: Our mission was to take technology and patents developed at the lab and transfer them to the medical industry. My first experience was to pitch some technology the lab had for treating strokes. We visited some Vs., and eventually a group of Vs. found a CEO and formed a startup to license and commercialism our technology. I was the science guy responsible for the patents and technology, and my involvement with the company lasted about year until the start-up grew up and took over the opportunity. Dad Silva continued to grow the medical technology program within LEN, earning a Federal Laboratory Consortium award for excellence in technology transfer in 1998. But Dad Silva left the LEN in 2001. As he recalled, Increasing security concerns at the lab arose, which made growth more difficult. Bureaucracy began to slow everything down until I was doing very little real science and very little real business. Dad Silva and two colleagues started a technology incubator in 2001 to form companies around ideas the three tainted. Two of their companies, Tetrahedral Systems (a plastic surgery device company) and Imaging Corporation (a consumer products company), were already operational and had received funding by 2002. George Choc Choc met Dad Silva in late 2001. Choc had graduated from University of California, Berkeley, with a BBS in electrical engineering and computer science. After receiving a law degree from the university of California, Los Angels, Choc joined the law firm Wilson, Session, Goodrich Roasts in 1 990 and worked primarily with PVC-backed medical device start-up companies in the Bay Area. In 1995, Choc hopped the fence, becoming a venture capitalist with Indenture Associates, a firm founded in 1986 to fund seed and early- stage investments in medical technology. It was at Indentures that Choc met Dad Silva, who pitched Choc several companies Dad Silva was thinking of incubating and running. Choc described their first meeting: Luis came to me with some deals, which I turned down. But I must have done it in a reasonable manner, because we kept up a relationship, talking at times about various medical technologies. One of the ideas Choc and Dad Silva discussed was using lasers for acne applications. There were many forms of acne, ranging from blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples to severe forms such as cystic or modular acne. Dad Silva, whose scientific background was with lasers, had seen dermatologists use laser technologies in the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne, most commonly referred to as pimples, breakouts, blemishes, or zits. Choc summarized the science behind the laser treatments: Lasers treat acne in two possible ways. At certain wavelengths-?or colors-?lasers go into the skin tissue and generate oxygen radicals, which kill the bacteria and reduce inflammation. At other wavelengths, lasers are basically heat sources that reduce sebum [an oily substance produced by certain skin glands] production by killing and reducing the number of se baceous glands. This decreases the likelihood that excess sebum clogs pores, which can lead to acne. 2 Entrepreneurial Law and Finance taught by Rafael p. Ribs, at HE OTHER from However, a laser was an expensive solution for treating acne. Dad Silva and Choc believed they could replace a laser, which cost between $20,000 and $50,000, with a $5 to $10 heater using a thinning resistor (a thin piece of metal that converts electrical current into heat). As Choc explained, We believed our device could offer similar therapeutic benefits to a laser, but at a much lower cost. Peter Scotch Scimitar Born in Switzerland to a Swiss father and Greek mother, Scimitar earned a bachelors degree from Brown Leistering and an MBA from Harvard University in 1993. By 2002, Scimitar joined Weber Communications (a software company that provided on-demand collaboration applications such as web conferencing), where he was vice president of customer success. A couple of years later, Scimitar left Weber to become vice president of sales and marketing for Lives Inc. Scimitar recalled his experience there: Lives was a virtual call center, and I ran revenue, sales and marketing, product management, and account management. I learned the direct- response television business there. I got to know products like proactive [a three-step skin-care system for clearing and preventing acne], the George Foreman Grill, and Jack Lane Juicer. We tend to think of direct-response businesses-?with their infomercials-?as real schlock businesses. But I watched these companies come up with product ideas, put them on TV, and the phones were ringing off the hook. I learned that when you matched the right products with the right audiences, they were great businesses. A few months into his job at Lives, Scimitar had Choc over to his home. The two had become good friends several years earlier while organizing a school camping trip for their same-aged daughters. Scimitar described the conversation they had in October 2004: George said he wanted to start distributing a printer that could print any JEEP image you wanted on a fingernail-?like a flag or a picture of your kids or dog-?that Luis developed for his Start-up company Imaging. He wanted to know if DRAT would work for it. Old George it was never going to fly. If he looked at the number of people who owned computers, who also watched TV infomercials, and who bought products on TV, there wasnt a big enough market. Plus, the cost of sales was going to be $45 at best, which meant theyd have to sell it for $250 to make any money after marketing and fulfillment costs. A little later into the evening, the two discussed another business opportunity. Scimitar continued: Then George said, What if had a product with a much lower cost of goods-?that was under $10 to manufacture-?that could help clear pimples faster? I replied, Ill write you a check for $100,000 right now if it works. George couldnt understand why I would do that. Coming from his world of PVC-backed medical device start-ups, George assumed the acne device would be sold to dermatologists using a specialized sales force. There are 7,500 dermatologists; the product would sell for $400; each patient would buy a $30 replaceable tip; at the end of the day, it would be a $50 million business. I responded, Why waste your time with 7,500 dermatologists? There are millions of people with acne. And, at a $10 cost of goods, could sell it for $49. 95 on TV, all day long. Sell a million at $50 a pop, and that starts to look more interesting. Then make it two million, then three million. Add some topical acne treatments to the product line and turn a $50 sale into $150. 3 Company Background By November 2004, Dad Silva and Choc were ready to form a company around their Thermonuclear acne-treatment device. Choc sought Scimitars advice as they began their CEO search. Choc recalled, l had largely forgotten the discussion Scotch and had had the previous month. Hough Scotch might know someone he could recommend for the CEO position. I was surprised when he said he wanted the job. As Scimitar took Choc down to Los Angels to meet with gurus in the DRAT industry, Choc warmed to the idea of having Scimitar as the companys CEO. Choc recalled, The head guru didnt throw us out, which I thought was a good sign. In fact, he gave us a allowable offer for the company. I could have been offende d. Instead, thought, Wow, there must be something there. And you know what? Scotch could make a good CEO. Dad Silva quickly agreed, adding, All Scotchs previous employers had glowing comments about him. He also really believed in the product-?he tested the device on himself, and he was ailing to put his own money in down the road and not take a salary until we could raise money. Scimitar remained at Lives over the next five months but began working on a business plan with Choc. In late November, Choc and Dad Silva filed the articles of incorporation, calling their new company Daydreamer. The two contributed $10,000 each for early product development and intellectual property work. They wrote and filed provisional patents on their idea by the end of the year. The Thermonuclear Acne-Treatment Device In January 2005, Dad Silva began early concept work on the first prototype of the acne device. He farmed the project out to a group of Russian nuclear scientists he had met while working at LEN. The Russian scientists chose equity in the company instead of getting paid for their services. Scimitar commented: These guys are gods in the physics world. There are material scientists, electrical engineers-?all under one roof. Luis told them what we wanted, and what it had to do. In two weeks, We had the first concept. Luis burned his face, but that was part of the development cycle. We tested a whole bunch of different capacitance capabilities, and wed sit there and say, Wows that feel? Gaga! By February 2005, the first prototype was ready for testing. The device, which was AC powered, used a very short blast of high heat on the surface of the skin to reduce the inflammation and redness caused by acne pimples. It was a big box with knobs that controlled the four temperature settings, ranging from 60 degrees to 1 20 degrees Celsius. Two wires ran from the box to a thin- film resistor that was applied directly to the skin. Dad Silva called it the Frankincense version of the device. Choc added, l had friends who told me, Dont get near me with that thing. Nonetheless, the three found some ailing family members (including Cohos wife and daughter), friends, and colleagues who tried the device, accumulating anecdotal evidence that their invention worked. Business Model In spring 2005, Scimitar fine-tuned Dressmakers business model. His research indicated that roughly 45 million people suffered from acne in the U. S. Lone and spent approximately $2 billion on over-the-counter (ETC) treatments, many of which were ineffective. ETC treatments could be classified as either preventative or spot. Preventative treatments were designed to clean skin to prevent pore blockages (e. G. , daily cleansers or exfoliates) or deliver medication (e. G. , benzene peroxide or salicylic acid) to the surface Of the skin to help prevent n ew acne breakouts. Topical spot 4 treatments were used to clear pimples faster once they had occurred. Scimitar commented, There was no clear evidence that any of these spot treatments worked. They were basically marketed as hope in a Daydreamer planned to sell the Thereafter product line, which included the acne device (spot) and a line of topical acne treatments (preventative), directly to consumers using infomercials that targeted women and mothers of teens with acne. Scimitar explained the companys rationale behind using DRAT to distribute its products: We believed the potential market was much larger by selling our product line directly to end users rather than using a specialized sales force to call On the 7,500 dermatologists who would then sell it to their patients. We debated using the retail channels for distribution, but a typical brand-management company spends $50 to $1 00 million to launch a consumer product at retail. It gives 40% to 60% of the profit away immediately to the retailer who is selling it. And the company still needs to spend money on building wariness of its product. I thought we could sell Thereafter directly to the consumer using DRAT. Our marketing and fulfillment costs would be high, but they wouldnt equal the amount we would give away to the retailer under the first scenario. According to Scimitar, there were several keys to success in the DRAT environment. He described what these were and why Thermonuclear was well positioned for success: First, there has to be a large population of people who want or need the product, which means it typically has to appeal to one of three core needs: l want to feel better about myself-? or look better; l want there to like me more; or l want to save time and be more efficient. Second, the product has to be demonstrable with compelling testimonials.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Overview of Ocean Currents and How They Circulate
An Overview of Ocean Currents and How They Circulate Ocean currents are the vertical or horizontal movement of both surface and deep water throughout the world’s oceans. Currents normally move in a specific direction and aid significantly in the circulation of the Earth’s moisture, the resultant weather, and water pollution. Oceanic currents are found all over the globe and vary in size, importance, and strength. Some of the more prominent currents include the California and Humboldt Currents in the Pacific, the Gulf Stream and Labrador Current in the Atlantic, and the Indian Monsoon Current in the Indian Ocean. These are just a sampling of the seventeen major surface currents found in the world’s oceans. The Types and Causes of Ocean Currents In addition to their varying size and strength, ocean currents differ in type. They can be either surface or deep water. Surface currents are those found in the upper 400 meters (1,300 feet) of the ocean and make up about 10% of all the water in the ocean. Surface currents are mostly caused by the wind because it creates friction as it moves over the water. This friction then forces the water to move in a spiral pattern, creating gyres. In the northern hemisphere, gyres move clockwise; while in the southern hemisphere, they spin counterclockwise. The speed of surface currents is greatest closer to the ocean’s surface and decreases at about 100 meters (328 ft) below the surface. Because surface currents travel over long distances, the Coriolis force also plays a role in their movement and deflects them, further aiding in the creation of their circular pattern. Finally, gravity plays a role in the movement of surface currents because the top of the ocean is uneven. Mounds in the water form in areas where the water meets land, where water is warmer, or where two currents converge. Gravity then pushes this water downslope on the mounds and creates currents. Deepwater currents, also called thermohaline circulation, are found below 400 meters and make up about 90% of the ocean. Like surface currents, gravity plays a role in the creation of deep water currents but these are mainly caused by density differences in the water. Density differences are a function of temperature and salinity. Warm water holds less salt than cold water so it is less dense and rises toward the surface while cold, salt-laden water sinks. As the warm water rises, the cold water is forced to rise through upwelling and fill the void left by the warm. By contrast, when the cold water rises, it too leaves a void and the rising warm water is then forced, through downwelling, to descend and fill this empty space, creating thermohaline circulation. Thermohaline circulation is known as the Global Conveyor Belt because its circulation of warm and cold water acts as a submarine river and moves water throughout the ocean. Finally, seafloor topography and the shape of the ocean’s basins impact both surface and deep water currents as they restrict areas where water can move and funnel it into another. The Importance of Ocean Currents Because ocean currents circulate water worldwide, they have a significant impact on the movement of energy and moisture between the oceans and the atmosphere. As a result, they are important to the world’s weather. The Gulf Stream, for example, is a warm current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and moves north toward Europe. Since it is full of warm water, the sea surface temperatures are warm, which keeps places like Europe warmer than other areas at similar latitudes. The Humboldt Current is another example of a current that affects weather. When this cold current is normally present off the coast of Chile and Peru, it creates extremely productive waters and keeps the coast cool and northern Chile arid. However, when it becomes disrupted, Chile’s climate is altered and it is believed that El Nià ±o plays a role in its disturbance. Like the movement of energy and moisture, debris can also get trapped and moved around the world via currents. This can be man-made which is significant to the formation of trash islands or natural such as icebergs. The Labrador Current, which flows south out of the Arctic Ocean along the coasts of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, is famous for moving icebergs into shipping lanes in the North Atlantic. Currents plan an important role in navigation as well. In addition to being able to avoid trash and icebergs, knowledge of currents is essential to the reduction of shipping costs and fuel consumption. Today, shipping companies and even sailing races often use currents to reduce time spent at sea. Finally, ocean currents are important to the distribution of the world’s sea life. Many species rely on currents to move them from one location to another whether it is for breeding or just simple movement over large areas. Ocean Currents as Alternative Energy Today, ocean currents are also gaining significance as a possible form of alternative energy. Because water is dense, it carries an enormous amount of energy that could possibly be captured and converted into a usable form through the use of water turbines. Currently, this is an experimental technology being tested by the United States, Japan, China, and some European Union countries. Whether ocean currents are used as alternative energy, to reduce shipping costs, or in their natural state to move species and weather worldwide, they are significant to geographers, meteorologists, and other scientists because they have a tremendous impact on the globe and earth-atmosphere relations.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Shang and Qin dynasty. Han dynasty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Shang and Qin dynasty. Han dynasty - Essay Example Contrasting the economic elements of the Shang Dynasty with that of the Qin Dynasty it can be stated that the element of maintaining an agrarian economy essentially remained consistent during this epoch however, the pivotal difference in the economic setup of these dynasties is that the advent of the Qin dynasty marked the establishment of a monetary system. Moreover, the political sphere of China under the Shang dynasty was characterized by the unprecedented and supreme power of the emperor who was responsible for all matters of governance in all areas of the citizens’ lives. However, the Qin dynasty maintained a hierarchal system of political governance whereby the nation’s administration was made more efficient by granting territorial assignments to respective governors whose appointment was not conducted on the basis of familial connections or the right to ascend to governorship. The social structure under the Shang dynasty comprised of an exclusive focus upon the stratification of China’s communities on the basis of hierarchy and chain of command. This notion implies that while, the king remained all powerful the common man did not have access to the most basic rights under the regime. While, this aspect remained analogous in the Qin dynasty the primary difference in both governments is that of the inclusion of administrators and governors who previously did not exist during the Shang dynasty.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Operations Management, Assignment-Supply Chain Assignment
Operations Management, -Supply Chain - Assignment Example y, the core functions entail transporting of goods, fulfilling orders, packaging, labeling, cross docking and other significant services that involve making sure that orders go through the full cycle. Decisively, warehouses and distribution center’s main focus is on customer’s needs and services through the implementation of the techniques that ensure the products are in their best condition observing aspects such as cost and efficiency. Currently, there are warehouse systems operational on the World Wide Web with the multiple advancements in technology; nonetheless, even customary warehouses and distribution centers embrace technology in meeting the objective and performing their roles (Keller 1). Appreciably, technology makes it easier for warehouse to process orders, manage transportation and even use the varying management information systems in scanning bar codes, plan loads among other activities. Definitely, warehouses and distribution centers’ activities base on relationships with the main link being between suppliers and consumers hence the management in these sectors must understand customers’ needs and the most efficient methods of operations. Warehousing and distribution centers’ are among the core areas that continue to advance in supply chain management and as a matter of effectiveness performance measures apply in determining productivity. Due to competition and meeting customers’ needs, the products must be in the right place, at the right time and in the right condition for a warehouse to uphold efficiency hence measuring performance entails the achievement and sustainability of these goals. Essentially, most warehouses and distribution centers use units and lines in the measurement of productivity by calculating the number of units or lines collected per hour in day. However, this does not entirely meet the standards of efficiency so other methods apply in measuring usable space by observing facets such as storage utility (Keller
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