Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Comparing Hills Like White Elephans by Ernest Hemingway...
Comparing Hills Like White Elephans by Ernest Hemingway and Babylon Revisited by F. Scott Fitzgerald At first glance it seems that the two short stories â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†by Ernest Hemingway and â€Å"Babylon Revisited†by F. Scott Fitzgerald have absolutely nothing in common other than being written by two famous American authors in the 1920s. Although there is much contrast between the two works, when examined more closely, similarities seem to be extremely easy to pick out. Similarities are evident in the existence of superficiality†¦show more content†¦It is a relationship between an American man and a woman called Jig that is devoid of responsibility. This relationship is very similar to the past marriage of Charlie Wales, the protagonist in â€Å"Babylon Revisited.†Charlie used to be married to a woman named Helen during the stock market boom of the 1920s before she tragically died of a heart condition. Charlie and Helen were a very rich couple due to Charlie’s skilful playing of the stock market. The two led a lifestyle of dissipation mostly characterized by binge drinking. They were rich Americans in Europe who would live their entire lives in excess by dining at the most expensive restaurants in Paris nightly and drinking their lives away. The couple in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†was also a couple in Europe who would literally spend all their time drinking different kinds of alcohol and discussing the scenery that surrounded them. There was nothing real to their relationship. Both couples engaged in ostensibly pointless relationships that existed just out of convenience. A very clear similarity between the two stories was that both the American man and Charlie Wales had b een happy before the time of the story and this happiness had been brought to an abrupt halt by sudden events. The sudden event that brought an end to the American man’s happiness was the fact that he and Jig had become pregnant. This unexpected pregnancy seemed to cause a problem in their relationship because the American man
Monday, December 9, 2019
Project Report on Facebook Viral Social Media
Question: Describe about the Project Report on Facebook for Viral Social Media. Answer: Introduction Facebook the most viral social media helps you to share emotions and thoughts to individual. It is world-wide accepted as due to this we can connect to our old friend whose contacts are not with us. It is elevating and grasping the mind of individuals and delivers the utmost result of one interest. It is something which is considered to be a boom as helps individual to interact and share their marvellous moment with each other either by sharing or sending the photograph. It is elevating at a high rate as old people involving their interesting and gets connected to share their thoughts and view. In general, we can conclude that Facebook is not about making profile but it is a source of communication and building a personality ahead in the competition. Facebook is not only about visiting your profile and spend your time, this is something of utmost importance in various specialisation, it helps to build up new contact over the wide network and promote your business with the help of electronic media. Promotion can be done via face book just making a catchy quotes, or banner that would captivate the mind of visitor toward your concerned activity or product. Brand Newsfeed A contact Newsfeed or Timeline is the analogous of your Email advertising on Facebook and underpins your achievement in accomplishment and alluring in the midst of populace. That brand newsfeeds and advertisement helps individual to get the subsequent details regarding the concept of marketing. This will help to increase the brand awareness and helps to obtain the list of interested employee moving toward this field.lly obtain new Fans and increased exposure. It is not only that gives us the fame but also encapsulate fame along with personality development through which you can contact your friend and relative effectively. The feasibility of building contact with business associates achieved with the help of Facebook. Page Newsfeed will not only offer a wealth of motivation and stuff for your own content ideas along with feasibility of motivation for you to comment on the place of duty of others and be viewed by their Fan and Facebook Friends. It is something that enhances the exposure for trading and business, invaluable insights into what ensuring the vital info but in addition offer sufficient opportunity for exchange of ideas with new audiences. Tagging Commenting As Your Page The tagging option helps in sharing your thoughts and picture just by giving them an vision regarding the location and activities that you want to share among individuals. see it but also their own Fans too which proffer affluent ill-gotten gains in terms of rendezvous and new fans. The comment helps to share an individual thought regarding the concern thing and helps owner to understand the review. It is a most efficient way to reach the user by giving them feedback in term of comment. Google Search Results It is the vital key in driving the traffic toward the website that would help to boost the brand awareness and systematic methodologies to implement new technological advancement. The more you are on Facebook this would increase the online presence and prolific impression on social media. ( Russell, A., Ito, M., Richmond 2008) Facebook Group When we create a Face book group, it helps us to add people of interest and therefore also have the feature of restricting people to interfere without any prior consideration. It can be either open or closed, as per authenticity of information that one is sharing through social media. For engaging the people, we can upload videos and motivational quotes and gain the high rink of publicity. It caters to user requirements; Let us consider an example, when one creates a group relating to fitness, they can give subsequent knowledge of how to reduce weight, exercise methods and diet plan. While when making page of cooking, it involves the recipes of scrumptious dishes, through which individual can obtain the knowledge of making with just a single click. It helps in grouping the individuals into a common group , preferably college student and employee usually make use of it to share their thoughts and ideas among their circle. There is also an option to create page on Facebook. It can be either run by individual, a group of individual or organisation to show audience their field of interest. This can be created at ease and can share events and function on it so that user can attain information about the concern thing just by visiting the page. This would be beneficial in offering a platform to audience to get a clear image of your activities and personality image. It is very ease to create a Facebook page; you can easily follow some steps and make it efficient. There is option to choose requirement of page either for individual personality, custom group or large system of government assortment. Facebook helps to provide promotion with the help online audience that it is most effective way to generate the buzz, enhancement of user activity and also increasing like on fan count, however, there are certain limitation and guidelines that governs type of campaigning and regularly administer and then further look to promote it on their social network platform. Benefits of Facebook groups/ pages There are various benefits that help individual and organisation. Some of them are listing below:- Reaching a great number of people User engagement Brand Promotion Getting list of individual having same interest It helps to share new regarding event and job openings by organisation. Through Facebook group and page, student can ask for their question and acquire the solution as well as expert advice, as Facebook accompanying a lot of users. Critical issue of Facebook Group and Page As we know everything has benefits and flaws. The disadvantages lie in area of fraud, theft, stealing personal information. So it is advisable from my side choose the group that is not publically open on Facebook. It must require a confirmation message that helps to check the authenticity of specified group or page. There are many cases visible in headlines regarding the misuse of technology to demolish the user identity. It is often reported that there is a fraud advertisement available on group and page that would re-direct you to a page that you are not aware of. A common unrevealing post relating to Facebook group is entering the number and waits to see the magic. This is something that is done only to gain the attention of individuals. This is something not relevant and user doesnt acquire the knowledge and start following other. Fairly or not, critics are advocating for set of laws or erstwhile forms of restrictions on how Facebook handles user privacy, and are even suggest that users go away from the site. Sometimes the hacker used to hack the personal details of people and from their profile start uploading pictures and videos that would seen by a lot of individuals. A lot of political issue is discussed over it which is sometime becomes controversial and led to use of vulgar language and rude thoughts towards each other either by posting as comment or message individuals. Although there are certain rules and regulation that restrict or banned the user activity. But our proper knowledge helps to build a better profile. Contest and prizes For encouraging the user involvement, there must be a contest that cans either of getting more likes, identifying the need of such product. The people with each interest have something on Facebook through which they can share their knowledge and come in contact of people of the specified specialised interest area. There are prizes offered either by selecting the individual or through lucky draw. In precise word, it is a common platform that binds user all across the world. It is a medium through which one can give their regards and blessing to someone on festive occasion, birthday or marriage anniversary, Conclusion Therefore, Facebook is not only a source of entertainment but also a platform to business advancement. The user can achieve a lot in term of entertainment along with feasibility of fetching the contact of business official for boosting up their business among the targeted audience. It is a better understanding how a social media helps us in various fields such as entertainment and business. The study reveals the fact that it is becoming a need for youngster as well as business associates to remain active on it. References Ciccone, David (May 7 2009) Facebook connects fully integrated into Mobility Today Carroll Rory (May 29, 2013) Facebook gives speech against hate speech on page
Monday, December 2, 2019
Lewis Carroll In Wonderland Essays - Alice In Wonderland
Lewis Carroll in Wonderland I.Through the writings of Lewis Carroll in the story Alice in Wonderland the difference between fantasy and reality can be seenthrough the eyes of a child. The stories created by Carroll are a combination of make believe stories made to entertain children he talked to on an almost daily basis. Seen as odd by adults in society Carroll better associated himself with children because of his stammering disability when speaking. A. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson B. Alice in Wonderland C. Impressions II.Charles Lutwidge Dodgeson A. Talents B. Pseudonym of Dodgson 1. Inspiration of Alice III.Alice in Wonderland A. Fantasy vs. Reality 1. Interpretation of Alice a. Growning-up b. Alice's feelings 2. True Fantasy B. Imagery IV.Impressions A. Impact on society 1. Interest of society 2. Ability to learn more Jennifer Stark Mr. Desormier English 12 Honors March 23, 1998 Lewis Carroll In Wonderland Through the writing of Lewis Carroll in the story Alice in Wonderland the difference between fantasy and reality can be seen through the eyes of a child. The stories created by Carroll are a combination of make believe stories made to entertain children he talked to on an almost daily basis. Seen as odd by adults in society Carroll better associated himself with children because of his stammering disability when speaking. Carroll the man of many talents was born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson on January 27, 1832. Out of a family of eleven children Dodgson was the oldest son and third child. As a child he was very academic and had many interest which he pursued after becoming a deacon in the Church of England. His many accomplishments include Mathematician, English logician, photographer, and novelist ("Carroll, Lewis"). From the imagination of Lewis Carroll came Alice in Wonderland and many books like it created for children. These books have been compared and interpreted by adults around the world to get a better understanding of who Carroll was as a person. For ages children have enjoyed reading about Alice and her adventure but that story is not the only thing accredited to Carroll. Carroll the man of many talents was born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson on January 27, 1832. Out of a family of eleven children Dodgson was the oldest son and third child. As a child he was very academic and had many interest which he pursued after becoming a deacon in the Church of England. His many accomplishments include mathematician, english logician, photographer, and novelist (Cohen 52-3). Later in life while writing humorous works he used the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. Dodgson arrived at this pen name by taking his own name Charles Lutwidge, and translating it into Latin as Carolus Ludovicus, then reversing and retranslating them in to English. The pen name he used only for nonacadmemic works. He then in turn used his real name when writing books on mathematics such as Euclid and His Modern Rivals (1879) which is one of historical interest ("Carroll, Lewis"). Carroll's inspiration to write Alice in Wonderland came from his entertaining of the Liddell children. Under the supervision of the governess, Carroll read stories to entertain them on their visits to his college room, where he taught mathematics. The children's father was dean of Christ Church College where Carroll taught (Hudson 264). Alice Liddell the oldest of the children was the one who begged Carroll to write the Alice Adventure's out, he did so and gave it to her. When handing the finished product to Alice he never gave any thought about hearing about it again. In weeks to come Henry Kingsley the novelist picked up the story while sitting in the drawing room of the Liddell house. When Kingsley finished reading about Alice and her Adventurers he urged Mrs. Liddell to persuade the author to publish it. Carroll impressed by Kingsley's suggestion consulted his friend George MacDonald. MacDonald read it to his children, in which they thoroughly enjoyed it and wished for "60,000 vo lumes of it." Carroll then revised it and published it in 1865 ("Carroll, Lewis"). It was all very well to say 'DRINK ME,' but the wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry. 'No, I'll look first,' she said 'and see whether it's marked "poison" or not'; for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all
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