Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Complementary Therapeutic Nursing Interventions Coursework
Correlative Therapeutic Nursing Interventions - Coursework Example The paper tells that the proof introduced in the examination report bolsters the end that bookkeeping of Medical Administering Errors (MAEs) should be unknown notwithstanding being without unhelpful results. Both the inspected writing and the outcomes featured that MAEs are an issue in numerous medical clinics. The aftereffects of the examination affirmed the presence of the issue as 66.9 percent of the nursing experts who partook in the investigation detailed encountering Medical Administering Errors (Lin and Ma, 2009). The exploration was performed out of the need to improve the nature of wellbeing that had been on the decrease in Taiwan due to MAEs. Taking into account this, the aftereffects of this examination showed that 87.7 percent of medical attendants were happy to report MAEs. Thus, the genuine issue was not underreporting of MAEs however the multifaceted nature that accompany revealing MAEs, for example, negative results and absence of obscurity. Other proof introduced in the exploration bolster the end that negative outcomes advance underreporting of MAEs. For example, the consequences of the investigation demonstrated that the chances of energy to report Medical Administering Errors improved 2.66 occasions in secretly run rest homes (p = 0.032,confidence span = 1.09-6.49), and 3.28 in good cause clinics (p = 0.00, certainty stretch = 1.73 to 6.21) as differentiated to network emergency clinics. The clarification of this perception is that secretly run and magnanimous clinics include progressively adaptable just as responsive hierarchical situations than network medical clinics. ... Other proof introduced in the examination bolster the end that negative outcomes advance underreporting of MAEs. For example, the consequences of the investigation demonstrated that the chances of excitement to report Medical Administering Errors improved 2.66 occasions in secretly run rest homes (p = 0.032,confidence stretch = 1.09-6.49), and 3.28 in good cause emergency clinics (p = 0.00, certainty span = 1.73 to 6.21) as differentiated to network clinics (Lin and Ma, 2009). The clarification of this perception is that secretly run and magnanimous emergency clinics envelop increasingly adaptable just as open hierarchical situations than network medical clinics. Thus, attendants working in these emergency clinics will in general report MAEs more. Another clarification could be that network emergency clinics may maybe make nursing experts extremely insightful of medical clinic focuses toward quality improvement. Thus, attendants may periodically have decided not to represent clinical regulating blunders occasions, to avoid being liable for a setback to achieve the objective. Moral Issues that may have emerged while directing the exploration One of the moral issues that could have emerged in this examination is agree to participate in the investigation. In longitudinal investigations, educated assent must be gotten at a few phases of the examination. On account of Lin and Ma (2009), moral assent was just required before filling the polls. This kind of assent is known as beginning assent. Contingent upon the moral issues associated with an examination other educated assent, for example, proceeding with assent, agree to discover respondent if there should be an occurrence of a subsequent report, assent for unanticipated investigation and exercises and assent for change among others. Another moral issue that could have emerged
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Corporate Finance Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Corporate Finance Assignment - Essay Example Deals increment from year 1 to year 2 by 1.5 occasions, however in the third year apparently the deals just increment by 1.33 occasions, which shows a decrease when contrasted with the past budgetary year. Variable expense is incorporated as a level of the deals for the month, which is 30% of the deals for the year. All the fixed expenses are thought to be straightforwardly inferable from the venture and consequently are remembered for the incomes. As referenced in the venture, the helpful existence of the office will be three years, therefore it will be devalued on a straight line premise more than three years. Devaluation is a non-money thing, however it is remembered for the income guaging due to the expense shield, since deterioration is likewise charge deductible. In first year, the organization will have available misfortune, so it is accepted that the organization will have available benefit later on, against which this available misfortune will be used, bringing about duty re serve funds. Deterioration is included back and the net income is limited using the necessary pace of return so as to figure the Net Present Value. 2. The chief danger of the task There are a few chief dangers that encompass the venture. Hello there Tech Industries works in the innovation business, which is dependent upon fast changes in numerous fields, for example, standard gear, working methods, and laws and guideline. The venture viable requires a cautious estimation of all the important expenses and incomes; a misconception in the conjecture will cause a blunder in the undertaking net present worth, which may bring about the acknowledgment of a task which isn't monetarily feasible. The underlying capital use must be painstakingly anticipated. So as to do as such, it is of prime significance that the organization acquires citations from a few organizations so as to extend the present market estimation of part. A misleadingly more significant expense will put a declining impact o n the net present estimation of the undertaking, and a falsely lower cost will cause the inverse. Another hazard that is available in the money related evaluation of the venture is that the organization probably won't have assessed the right helpful existence of the hardware. The IT related equipment and gear are liable to getting out of date at a more noteworthy pace when contrasted with different sorts, so this hazard is available. While settling on a venture evaluation choice, it is basic to consider the effect of expansion later on income. The data gave does exclude any pertinent data about the value swelling over the multi year time span, which can altogether affect the normal NPV. The chief of the organization should likewise consider the sources from which the financing will be acquired for the speculation. Financing choice is noteworthy, as the organization would need to pay fund charge to the bank or some other money related establishment, and the organization must have eno ugh income later on for the installment of these account charge. So as to start any speculation adventure, the chief must get the endorsement of the investors.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition Whats New
Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition What’s New (1) Fall is here, and so are the winds of change for the Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS)! This past September, a new edition of the CMoS was released. It tackles some new topics, while also expanding on existing citation specifications. Here is a list of the biggest changes in the 17th edition of CMoS: Titles for Websites In a departure from the 16th edition, the formatting for titles of websites can now be treated in various ways. What dictates the treatment is whether the website also has a print counterpart, such as newspaper websites. If the site has one, the title is in italics. If it does not, then it is not stylized. Title examples: The New York Times Wikipedia Forbes Buzzfeed Use of “ibid.†In previous versions of CMoS, the abbreviation “ibid†was used in footnotes to show the reader that the previous cited source is being cited immediately after. The 17th edition, however, discourages the use of “ibid†in favor of shortened citations. The footnote can instead start with the author’s last name, and include the page number. Here are some example congruent footnote citations without “ibid.â€: Steven T. Brown, Tokyo Cyberpunk: Posthumanism in Japanese Visual Culture (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 124. Brown, 11. Brown, 17. Repeating the Year in Certain Author-date Citations Chicago Manual of Style has two main sub-styles: “author-date†and “footnote-bibliography.†In an author-date reference list entry, the year may now be repeated for sources that are also identified by month and day, such as journals or websites. This, however, is optional. Examples: Germano, William. 2017. “Futurist Shock.†Lingua Franca (blog). Chronicle of Higher Education, February 15, 2017. New York Times. 2002. “In Texas, Ad Heats Up Race for Governor.†July 30, 2002.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Topic Of Anxiety Disorders - 984 Words
I chose to explore the topic of anxiety disorders. I chose this topic mainly because I suffer from extremely severe anxiety and I am always looking to learn more about it. I also chose this topic because I wanted to gain more knowledge about how to deal/cope with my anxiety; more specifically without using any kind of medication. I have struggled with anxiety since a very young age and the first thing my doctors did was put me on medication, and when that didn’t work they’d try another, and another. Nothing ever really helped because usually the side effects were not worth the little amount they would do to help my anxiety. When I turned 18, I said â€Å"no more pills†, and have been trying to deal with my anxiety in natural ways ever since. I will use this new information and treatment options to apply to my own life to help treat my anxiety. In my personal opinion, this topic falls under two domains, cognitive and psychosocial. Anxiety disorders fall under cognitive because they affect your brain. The impact of anxiety on the brain can cause things such as, â€Å"crippling focus upon negative life-events and making concentration difficult.†(Robinson, Oliver J., Katherine Vytal, Brian R. Cornwell, and Christian Grillon.). Anxiety can slowly deteriorate your thought processes and ability to make cognitive, rational decisions. Which in turn also leads to other negative affects such as irrational fears, negative thinking, over-thinking, etc.. Anxiety also falls under the psychosocialShow MoreRelatedGender Differences in Anxiety Disorders1129 Words  | 5 Pagesgender difference in anxiety disorders. I found three articles that surrounded the information that I had to explain about my research. The 3 article titles that I will explain in this assignment are gender differences in anxiety disorders, gender differen ces in panic disorder, and effects of gender on social phobia. The first article is explaining my main topic that I chose for this assignment. The article is about panic disorder, which is a form of an anxiety disorder. The last article isRead MoreMy Familys Health History1593 Words  | 7 Pagesawareness of this fact. Another big topic I saw while reviewing my family history, was anxiety disorders. Again I saw them on my mother’s side, more specifically I saw them on my mother’s father’s side of the family. I was not aware it was so common in many of my distant relatives. I was intrigued by this mysterious topic of anxiety disorders. The topic I chose is Anxiety Disorders. I chose this topic because my Grandpa Gary has a generalized anxiety disorder. This means he has a lot of excessiveRead MoreChildhood Separation Anxiety Disorder Among Adults With Adult Anxiety Disorders1121 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder in Patients With Adult Anxiety Disorders†focuses on the prevalence of childhood separation anxiety disorder (CSA) in adults with one or more anxiety disorder, and whether or not there is a correlation between them. The authors clearly included their hypothesis, which states they presume there to be higher rates of childhood separation anxiety disorder among patients with various adult anxiety disorders than in adults with only one adult anxiety disorder. In additionRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Social Anxiety1429 Words  | 6 Pagesinterested in why so many people suffer from Social Anxiety. It is significant because social anxiety is a huge problem in todayâ₠¬â„¢s society that is often overlooked. I think that the advancement of technology has had an effect on the way that people act towards each other, as well as the way children are being raised, and the need for people to feel like they fit in, which has allowed for an uprising of social anxiety disorder. The topic of social anxiety interests me because I think it is something thatRead MoreDifferent Types Of Conditioning, Classical, Operant, Instrumental, Hvac1415 Words  | 6 Pagespertain to the situation. It was easy to decide that I wanted to write my term paper on a topic that fell under the realm of conditioning but I also wanted to step outside of my comfort zone, away from crime and justice, and focus on an issue that is purely psychological. At first I considered writing about phobias and whether or not we could be conditioned to overcome our biggest fears but I decided to select a topic a little more personal. Many of my friends have always joked that I have some mildlyR ead MoreInformative Speech Outline1598 Words  | 7 Pagesgreatly. After an activity polling the class, the most popular of three topics was social anxiety. This makes the topic easier to sell because many of the students are already interested. Furthermore, this is essentially a speech class which brings out anxiety from many students, even if they don’t have a social anxiety. The audience is knowledgeable about the topic because many of them will have, or know someone who has social anxiety. Also helpful is that the entire audience has a high school diplomaRead MoreAll About Anxiety Essay788 Words  | 4 Pages The six most common forms of anxiety are Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Phobias, Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, is characterized by excessive worries about nonspecific life events, objects, and situations. People with GAD often have trouble identifying that specific fear and controlling it. That said fear is often unreasonable and not in proportion with what is expected in a normal situationsRead MoreThe Link Between Anxiety And Depression1352 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Topic: â€Å"Anxiety and depression are often linked, experts say, as dealing with long-term anxiety can lead to depression, or one may feel anxious about their battle with depression.†In order to talk about the â€Å"link†between Anxiety and Depression, there is a word that must be discussed: comorbidity. According one paper, â€Å"Comorbidity may imply either the co-occurrence of two or more disorders in an individual at a given time, or the manifestation of multiple disorders during the lifetime ofRead MoreAnxiety And Its Affects : Christina Griffey1114 Words  | 5 Pages Anxiety and Its Affects Christina Griffey Palm Beach State College One of the first things we notice when we meet a person is their outer appearance. More than ever, in today’s society, we put emphasis on what we look like. We are constantly being bombarded by commercials and magazine ads about what makeup to use, what stores to shop at, what the latest health beverage is just to name a few. On social media, there are pages dedicated to fitness and what men and women are supposed toRead MoreThe Six Most Common Forms of Anxiety Essay1069 Words  | 5 Pagesexperience anxiety. Normally, it’s the feeling you get right before a test, recital, or an interview, but sometimes and for some people it can be a whole lot worse. It can even result in terrible panic attacks that affect the way they live. Anxiety is defined as a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, worrying,, and fear. Severe anxiety is the most common mental illness and affects 40 million people in the U.S. That’s about 18% of our population. We all get mild anxiety from time
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Premier Inn and its Plans in Singapore - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1622 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Research paper Level High school Did you like this example? 1 Introduction of Introduction of Premier Inn and its plans in Singapore Premier Inn International Hotels is a part of Britain-based company, Whitbread PLC, which operates and owns the largest lodging business, Premier Inn of the UK. Worldwide, youll find at present eight Premier Resort hotels over the United Arabs Emirates and Indian as well as the corporation carries aspirational development methods to grow to fifty hotels (around 10,000 bedrooms) across the Middle-East, India and South-East Asia by 2018. Erik van Keulen, senior vice-president for development, Asia-Pacific, stated: We want our hotels (in Southeast Asia) to be looked at as three-star attributes compared to absolutely budget types like our British attributes which mainly not have some additional comforts besides chambers. Keulen said Premier Inn is dating a great mixture of business and leisure travellers, and expects the initial big of web traffic to result from the UK and Middle-East because they areas will likely be more familiar with the Leading Inn brand. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Premier Inn and its Plans in Singapore" essay for you Create order He explained: Our game-plan as of this point would be to produce ourselves well over the South-east Asia market as its still comparatively progressive. The house is designed to focus on a blending of both business and discernment holidaymakers giving birth into a value-for-money encounter since the regions market the excursion section net income to increase swiftly. Singapore carries many things going from an advantage standpoint for it. Best pulls contain: Proximity to China Singapore has critical transaction and enterprise bonds with Beijing and is culturally approximately China along with them both geographically. As an effect will Singapore, as China grows. Economy Singapore produces a tremendous pharmaceuticals market in addition to considerable financial-services, tourism in addition to transport sectors. What this implies is its well positioned to weather almost any potential economic thunderstorms thatll appear along. Free trade doctrine The Heritage Foundation recently positioned Singapore as the 2nd-freest economic climate on the planet after Hong Kong. It totally was fairly reduced government spending as a portion of gross domestic product, powerful property-rights along with comparatively low levels of corruption (cooperative third with Sweden and only behind Denmark and Nz). 2 Job Design Job design is the procedure for Work arrangement (or re-arrangement) directed at decreasing or maybe controlling job dissatisfaction together with employee alienation arising from insistent and mechanistic jobs. Through assignment layout, organizations try to amass amounts that are output by honoring low-monetary rewards for example larger satisfaction from a feeling in gathering the obstacle that is improved collectively with obligation of the perform of one of personal achievement. Assignment improvement obligation growth, job rotation, and job simplification would be the different techniques used in employment layout workout. 2.1 Design for efficiency If jobs are performed by employees as efficiently because they can, not only does the firm gain from better performance per worker too as lower costs, but additionally employees needs to be somewhat less tired. This viewpoint has for decades formed the foundation of outdated fashioned technologies that was commercial. This process searches for the standard method of construction be utilized in order to maximize performance. 2.2 Design for mental that is capacity The sam e as the body, the mind too has functionality and limits. Businesses get taken numerous ideas to gather his difficulties. For instance, several get collectively with confining the number of World wide-web dialogue organizations to which employees may register accepted policies limiting private utilization of company e-mail. 2.3 Ergonomics The research of the conversation between people structure as well as the qualities of the actual physical surrounding is named ergonomics. The goal of ergonomics will likely be by structuring the specific physical office across how the whole body works, to minimize genuine physical tension on the employee. 2.4 Motivation A normal provide attention to performance would not ever achieve guy resource objects. Recalled factors that could get work stimulating to staff should be taken by job la yout. One that shows how exactly to get work more suggestion is the Job Feature Model produced by Hackman. This design identifies occupations in relation to five qualities: a. Skill range empowers an individual to produce choices concerning the way the function may be carried away. b. Endeavor identity the amount to which the responsibility holds a significant effect on the lifestyles of other people. c. Undertaking worth to which somebody will get magnificent specifics of performance usefulness from the execute itself. d. Autonomy the college degree to which the job the degree to which work wants a variety of skills to bring out the undertakings called for. e. Suggestions the extent the makings to which a job requires submitting a whole part of function. 3 Recruitment Strategy for Singapore Strategy Description Possible Tactics Online Recruiting A large percentage of employees hired by world trade agencies for basic projects seek their initial à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“career job.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ The majority are small, either pure out of college or university, looking to establish a new career, or relocating to a fresh area. The newspapers want-ads are not a real recruitment resource for many of todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s applicants. Placing vacancy announcements on the web is more effective as well as economical than using most traditional forms of advertising. Campus Recruiting and Job Fairs The two specialist and paraprofessional borrowers can be effectively selected at responsibility fairs launched by state workforce improvement agencies. College recruiting could be a very efficient method for attracting applicants for specialist work. Send organization of Human resources representative with an experienced public worker or maybe frontline ceo to fairs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" presents a possibility for job seekers to ask both responsibility precise and appointing process/benefits inquiries. University Partner-ships Developing a variety of recruitment techniques with spot universities, community educational institutions as well as Universities of Dance to promote pupils to go after professions in the music appreciation. Collaborate with university deans together with professors to help generate pupil interest in the theme. Targeted Recruit-ment You may need an even more various workforce that more advantageous displays the consumer population you serve. For instance, you may need to hire personnel with certain language skills, or with specialized degrees fahrenheit (e.g., MSWs or perhaps Music Appreciation). Focus on area job fairs to enhance selection among modern human resources. See an example by the El Paso District, Colorado, Unit of Music Appreciation who developed a Variety Coalition to recruit together with sustain minority team. Employees as Recruiters The following action beyond à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“word of mouthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ signing up is motivating staff to recruit other folks. Issue periodic reminders to team that vacancies exist as well as their referrals are liked. Offer à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“recruitment bonusesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ to employees that send borrowers who definitely are hopefully chosen. Tie the bonus to the wonderful achievement of the probationary period of time. 4 Selection Strategy Employment selection technique theorizes that by fitting your corporations requires to the candidate perfect for the job, you maximize staff efficiency, retaining disbursement and period and can reduce employee turnover. A businesss human sources section department may create and manage the staffing procedure, from recruiting to choice. Your small business many probably wouldnt get an HR section which means owner or manager generally presents this job. 4.1 Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Some of the very most dedication methods that are traditional is definitely to pick assortments focused around analyzing out, aptitudes along with restricts or. This pick technique begins with trade assessment. The human belongings separation inspections everyone else business and makes function not general that once overs all induced learning, aptitudes and limits needed to do the job. 4.2 Multistage Selection Strategies A As a substantial portion of the contemplate a multistage assor tment strategy joins different evaluation electronics. The resources office that is individual is in control of making certain that it is really linked to the requirements of the empty place and favouring every assessment device. Delineations of distinct stages in a multistage strength of thoughts technique are personality assessments that are capabilities, tests, talks with and also illustration execute exhibits. 4.3 Conjunctive Selection Strategy Right after the human sources department that is beings uses a layout that is conjunctive, varied evaluation devices are supervised by it in a session of action of degrees. On the away chance that the individual does really ineffectually beginning evaluation, they have been abstained from your pool of competitors. Evaluation tools have to be thoroughly questioned for therefore that the possibility isnt lost focused around less significant standards in comparison with the one that is see in the future also, when applying this therap y. 5 Implementation The moment the HR strategy is created, the strategy must be integrated. Sometimes, firms invest proceeds and a while building strategies which can be generated definitely not utilized along with in a closet. This mistake might be reduced by companies and create a strategy which will aid their on-line enterprize pile up by creating a workable human-resource plan. The method, although a motivation of the company, is needed to be adaptable to satisfy with the truly changing truly wants of the company. Executing a strategy that is new is likely to be tedious and confusing. 6 Conclusion Selecting for a meet up yet unsubstantial recruiting as well as commitment, the best competition for section can potentially be preference will undoubtedly be be pleased about big response, reduced social troubles as well as impedance to surgeries, support, customer team as well as resilient prices. It is actually the obligation of a manager to pull essentially workplace specialists as well as direly understand about methods that are straightforward to maintain them up. This conventional is the inverse of Europe where occupations searching of company rivals are not unacceptable. Their recruiting strategy should be actually regulated by managers as well as activities to carry through of purchasing states conviction.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Little Miss Oversexualized Free Essays
Little Miss Over Sexualized The way that media portrays children today is just plain disgusting. Not only is it inappropriate, it also severely damages the self-esteem of children all over the world. When companies like Vogue put out advertisements of children as young as 10 years old dressed in skimpy clothes, full make-up, and posed very provocatively what does that say to every day children? This is how you need to look to be â€Å"beautiful†or this is how they need to dress and act to be one of the â€Å"cool kids†? The media, whether it is television, magazines, or newspaper are causing huge problems to the self-esteem of children today, especially young girls by putting out advertisements that over sexualize them. We will write a custom essay sample on Little Miss Oversexualized or any similar topic only for you Order Now Established in 1892 and begun printing advertisements in 1909 Vogue Magazine has been the authority on high class fashion for the past one hundred plus years. (History of 1)In January 2011 edition of French Vogue published a full 15 page spread featuring Thylane Loubry Blondeau a 10 year child model in full make-up, dressed in stimulating clothing, and posed very provocatively. Needless to say this caused a big controversy about over sexualizing children, not only in France but around the world. â€Å"In Britain, Labor Parliament Member Helen Goodman called the photos ‘disgraceful and totally irresponsible†¦Vogue has descended into the gutter by doing this’ (10-year-old 1). Although most of these ads are not aimed directly at small children and pre-teens, they are viewed by them and the effect it is having on them is devastating. Children are developing several different emotional, psychological and physical issues. These issues include but are not limited to: inability to relate to peers, eating disorders, depression and even promiscuity. In her article â€Å"Sex images in media harming kids’ mental health†Janelle Miles, a long time journalist for the Australian news publication â€Å"The Courier-Mail†writes: â€Å"Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists president Louise Newman said ‘evidence was emerging that childhood exposure to developmentally inappropriate sexualized images and messages was associated with low self-esteem, depression and eating disorders’. Professor Newman said child psychiatrists were seeing an increasing number of younger children presenting with negative self-esteem and body image issues. Exposure to sexualizing messages contributes to girls defining their self-worth and popularity in terms of sexual attractiveness, with negative impact on self-esteem,’ Prof. Newman said. ‘Excessive focus on appearance and a narrow definition of attractiveness has been found to contribute to the development of abnormal eating behaviors and a lack of positive body image. What’s particularly concerning is some primary school-aged children, and even preschoolers, are presenting with some of these concerns. ‘I’ve seen children as young as four telling me . . . they’re ugly’. That’s appalling. Children are very receptive and influenced by what’s in the world around them†(Miles 1). Although children are being exposed to a barrage of over sexualized print ads, the media does not stop there. Over the last twenty years television shows and commercials have begun to over sexualize young children and teens at an alarming rate. In 1995 the â€Å"Parent Television Counsel was founded to ensure that children are not constantly assaulted by sex, violence and profanity on television and in other media. This national grassroots organization has more than 1. 3 million members across the United States, and works with television producers, broadcasters, networks and sponsors in an effort to stem the flow of harmful and negative messages targeted to children. The PTC also works with elected and appointed government officials to enforce broadcast decency standards. Most importantly, the PTC produces critical research and publications documenting the dramatic increase in sex, violence and profanity in entertainment†(PTC Study 1) Increasingly alarming are the Television shows such as â€Å"Toddlers in Tiaras†and â€Å"Little Miss Perfect†showing parents pushing children as young as 2 years old to compete in beauty pageants. The parents scream and yell at these young children and sometimes guilting them into participating in these pageants. These kids are put into frilly dresses, make-up caked on their little faces, and they are told â€Å"if they don’t win mommy will be disappointed. What kind of message does this send to children who are in the middle of developing their identity? Interestingly in December 2010 the PTC completed a study called â€Å"Tinsel town’s New Target: A study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV. The content of this report was based on the most popular prime time shows among 12-17 year olds during the 2009-2010 television seasons. The following are some alarming facts produced from that report: Underage female characters are shown participating in a higher percentage of sexual depictions compared to adults (47% and 29% respectively). Only 5% of the underage female characters communicated any form of dislike for being sexualized (excluding scenes depicting healthy sexuality). Out of all the sexualized female characters depicted in the underage and young adult category for the entire database, 86% were presented as only being of high school age. Seventy-five percent of shows that included sexualized underage female characters were shows that did not have an â€Å"S†descriptor to warn parents about the sexual content. Based upon a definition established by the American Psychological Association of â€Å"healthy†vs. â€Å"unhealthy†sexuality, the study findings show that 93% of the sexual incidents involving underage female characters occurred within a context that qualified as â€Å"unhealthy. †The data revealed that 98% of the sexual incidents involving underage female characters occurred outside of any form of a committed relationship. The data show that 73% of the underage sexualized incidents were presented in a humorous manner or as a punch line to a joke. PTC Study 1) Tim Winters the President of the PTC said â€Å"The results from this report show Tinsel town’s eagerness to not only objectify and fetishize young girls, but to sexualize them in such a way that real teens are led to believe their sole value comes from their sexuality. This report is less about the shocking numbers that detail the sickness of early sexualization in our entertainment culture and more about the generation of young girls who are being told how society expects them to behave†( PTC Study1). Contrary to the belief in this country, children of today’s society are not stupid. It has long been said by many different expert that children’s brains process and absorb information twice as fast as an adult. Benjamin Barber a renowned political scientist who earned his Ph. D. from Harvard University in 1966 writes in his 1993 article â€Å"America Skips School. †: â€Å"The young, with their keen noses for hypocrisy, are in fact adept readers-but not of books. They are society-smart rather than school-smart, and what they read so acutely are the social signals emanating from the world in which they will have to make a living. Their teachers in that world, the nation’s true pedagogues, are television, advertising, movies, politics, and the celebrity domains they define. We prattle about deficient schools and the gullible youngsters they turn out, so vulnerable to the siren song of drugs, but think nothing of letting the advertisers into the classroom to fashion what an Advertising Age essay calls ‘brand and product loyalties through classroom-centered, peer powered lifestyle patterning’†(116). In conclusion advertisements that over sexualize children are not going to stop. The government needs to listen to the hundreds of studies that have been completed to show that these advertisements have a huge psychological and sometimes physical impact on children, and they need to put a stop to it. Parents, start teaching your children that they do not have to be a super model to be a good person, just be themselves. Works Cited Barber, Benjamin R. â€Å"America Skips School. †Writing On The River. 3RD ed. Chattanooga: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2012. 116. Print. Graff, Amy. â€Å"10-year-old Fashion Model Sparks Debate | The Mommy Files | an SFGate. om Blog. †The Mommy Files | an SFGate. com Blog. SFGate, 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. â€Å"History of Vogue Magazine. †History of Vogue Magazine. Vouge Magazine, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. Miles, Janelle. â€Å"Sex Images in Media Harming Kids’ Mental Health. †CourierMail. Couriermail. com. au, 17 Mar. 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. â€Å"PTC Study: Sexualized Teen Girls Are Tinselto wn’s New Target. †PTC Study: Sexualized Teen Girls Are Tinseltown’s New Target. Parent Television Council, 25 Dec. 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. . How to cite Little Miss Oversexualized, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cult of Domesticity free essay sample
Securing the 19th Century Woman in the Home During the Antebellum age of America, new values and ideals began to arise. These ideals were reflected in the households of middle class citizens and grouped together to create the Cult of Domesticity. The cult helped form the foundation of female inferiority in the male dominated society. As slaves to the home, women were to uphold morals that were no longer relevant in the new industrialized world. The ideas that led to this treatment of women were drawn from religion, scientific studies, and the Industrial Revolution.The Cult of Domesticity was created to work effortlessly with the middle class, and was also known as the Perfect Family (Myth). Prior to the Industrial Revolution, families were dependent on every family member to provide for the household. Men, women, and children alike, would cook, clean, and take care of the entire property (Cowan, 16). However, the Middle Class family after the Industrial Revolution consisted of a single wage earning father and a mother that stayed at home maintaining the household and the children, in a home isolated from the rest of society (Unusual, 1). In l felt a funeral in my brain, Dickinson writes And I and silence some strange race/ wrecked, solitary, here (15-16).This is a prime example of the solidarity that held her captive and caused her descent into madness. Her poem is a cry out for help, but being the submissive woman she was supposed to be, she hid away her feelings while still acting weak and inferior. Another example of submissiveness can be taken from her poem This is my letter to the World. It starts off This is my letter to the world/ That never wrote to Me (Dickinson 1-2). She is again crying out against the unfairness that the world never wrote to her, or acknowledged her because of her sex. As a woman she was instantly in the shadow of a man and therefore did not matter. From These are the days when the Birds come back, Dickinson wrote Thy consecrated bread to take/ and thin immortal wine! (17-18). Her allusion to the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist enforces piety. Women needed to always act as the handmaidens of God, to repent for the sins of Eve in the Old Testament. Religion was a big enforcer of a womans quiet way of life and acted as something to occupy their time at home with. Emily Dickinson struggle with society expectations is greatly shown through her poetry.Dickinson many poems were great in number, but creates only one part of the perspective from a woman about the Cult of Domesticity. In Kate Chopping Story of an Hour, young Mrs.. Brenner Mallard discovers the news of her husbands death. Once the shock and grief wear off, she comes to an important realization. free! Body and soul free! (Chopin 2). Louise finally is free, without her husbands name bearing down on her and out of the clutches of domesticity. She no longer needs to act like the perfect wife at home, constantly taking care Of the house and looking after her husbands every need. She can live for herself like she always wanted. There would be no powerful will bending hers (Chopin 2), and she would no longer be the victim of submissiveness. Her husband no longer had the superior power, which all men were granted at the time of birth, to control and dictate her every move to the point where she was just like a small child that needed guidance and direction. But, in the end her joy is all for naught. Brenner is not dead. And Mrs.. Mallard, when receiving the news of his return, diets] of heart disease (Chopin 2).The thought of being pushed into that submissive state of Ewing that she had just escaped from ultimately caused her premature death. Chopping character Louise was a lot like the narrator of Charlotte Perkins Sailings The Yellow Wallpaper in regards to their relationship with overpowering husbands. John laughs at me of course, but one expects that in a marriage (Gillian 1). The narrator acts with submissiveness as she accepts that she is inferior to her husband, he is always right, and she is just the silly woman. She feels she must take his lead and constantly follow because that is how society wants her to feel.Her opinion does not matter at all, and she even states outright l dont like our room a bit (Gillian 2). She detests the room, with its ugly, yellow wallpaper and barred windows, but since her husband says it is the best place for her she just, once again, accepts it and does not say another word on the subject. The room she would like to sleep in was prettier and airier. But John said that there was only one window and not room for two beds (Gillian 2). This not only reinforces her submissiveness, but also her purity as a woman. The narrator, though married and a mother, sleeps in a different bed from her husband.This is not to keep her gift safe anymore, but to keep from tempting him and to guarantee the rest she needs to recover from her anxiety. Emily Dickinson, Kate Chopin, and Charlotte Perkins Gillian were all talented writers and advocates in their own ways for the struggles of women with the Cult of Domesticity in the sasss. Each accomplished a way to present a light into the minds of the women who were being suffocated by the mens superiority. Emily Dickinson created poems full of solemn and even remorseful moods that mirrored depression and repression that women felt cause of society expectations.Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gillian created characters that not only used the same suffocating repression, but empowered their women by taking the men out of the equation. Only then were their characters given a chance; Louise without Brenner and a small taste of freedom, and the narrators ability to finally creep along the room in peace when John faints. The Cult of Domesticity was a cause for womens repression but also their strength and growing stand to the unfairness of the treatment they were being dealt for so long.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed as the chancellor of Germany by President Paul Von Hindenburg. Hindenburg made the appointment in an effort to keep Hitler and the Nazi Party â€Å"in check;†however, the decision would have disastrous results for Germany and the entire European continent. In the year and seven months that followed, Hitler was able to exploit the death of Hindenburg and combine the positions of chancellor and president into the position of Fà ¼hrer, the supreme leader of Germany. Structure of the German Government At the end of World War I, the existing German government under Kaiser Wilhelm II collapsed. In its place, Germany’s first experiment with democracy, known as the Weimar Republic, commenced. One of the new government’s first actions was to sign the controversial Treaty of Versailles which placed blame for WWI solely upon Germany. The new democracy was primarily composed of the following: The president, who was elected every seven years and vested with immense powers;The Reichstag, the German parliament, which consisted of members elected every four years and based on proportional representation- the number of seats was based on the number of votes received by each party; andThe chancellor, who was appointed by the president to oversee the Reichstag, and usually a member of the majority party in the Reichstag. Although this system put more power in the hands of the people than ever before, it was relatively unstable and would ultimately lead to the rise of one of the worst dictators in modern history. Hitler’s Return to Government After his imprisonment for his failed 1923 coup known as the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler was outwardly reluctant to return as the leader of the Nazi Party; however, it did not take long for party followers to convince Hitler that they needed his leadership once again. With Hitler as leader, the Nazi Party gained over 100 seats in the Reichstag by 1930 and was viewed as a significant party within the German government. Much of this success can be attributed to the party’s propaganda leader, Joseph Goebbels. The Presidential Election of 1932 In the spring of 1932, Hitler ran against incumbent and WWI hero Paul von Hindenburg. The initial presidential election on March 13, 1932, was an impressive showing for the Nazi Party with Hitler receiving 30% of the vote. Hindenburg won 49% of the vote and was the leading candidate; however, he did not receive the absolute majority needed to be awarded the presidency. A run-off election was set for April 10. Hitler gained over two million votes in the run-off or approximately 36% of the total votes. Hindenburg only gained one million votes on his previous count but it was enough to give him 53% of the total electorate- enough for him to be elected to another term as president of the struggling republic. The Nazis and the Reichstag Although Hitler lost the election, the election results showed that the Nazi Party had grown both powerful and popular. In June, Hindenburg used his presidential power to dissolve the Reichstag and appointed Franz von Papen as the new chancellor. As a result, a new election had to be held for the members of the Reichstag. In this July 1932 election, the popularity of the Nazi Party would be further affirmed with their massive gain of an additional 123 seats, making them the largest party in the Reichstag. The following month, Papen offered his former supporter, Hitler, the position of Vice Chancellor. By this point, Hitler realized that he could not manipulate Papen and refused to accept the position. Instead, he worked to make Papen’s job difficult and aimed to enact a vote of no confidence. Papen orchestrated another dissolution of the Reichstag before this could occur. In the next Reichstag election, the Nazis lost 34 seats. Despite this loss, the Nazis remained powerful. Papen, who was struggling to create a working coalition within the parliament, was unable to do so without including the Nazis. With no coalition, Papen was forced to resign his position of chancellor in November of 1932. Hitler saw this as another opportunity to promote himself into the position of chancellor; however, Hindenburg instead appointed Kurt von Schleicher. Papen was dismayed by this choice as he had attempted in the interim to convince Hindenburg to reinstate him as chancellor and allow him to rule by emergency decree. A Winter of Deceit Over the course of the next two months, there was much political intrigue and backroom negotiations that occurred within the German government. A wounded Papen learned of Schleicher’s plan to split the Nazi Party and alerted Hitler. Hitler continued to cultivate the support he was gaining from bankers and industrialists throughout Germany and these groups increased their pressure on Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor. Papen worked behind the scenes against Schleicher, who soon found him out. Schleicher, upon discovering Papen’s deceit, went to Hindenburg to request the President order Papen to cease his activities. Hindenburg did the exact opposite and encouraged Papen to continue his discussions with Hitler, as long as Papen agreed to keep the talks a secret from Schleicher. A series of meetings between Hitler, Papen, and important German officials were held during the month of January. Schleicher began to realize that he was in a tenuous position and twice asked Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and place the country under emergency decree. Both times, Hindenburg refused and on the second instance, Schleicher resigned. Hitler Is Appointed Chancellor On January 29th, a rumor began to circulate that Schleicher was planning to overthrow Hindenburg. An exhausted Hindenburg decided that the only way to eliminate the threat by Schleicher and to end the instability within the government was to appoint Hitler as chancellor. As part of the appointment negotiations, Hindenburg guaranteed Hitler that four important cabinet posts could be given to Nazis. As a sign of his gratitude and to offer the reassurance of his professed good faith to Hindenburg, Hitler agreed to appoint Papen to one of the posts. Despite Hindenburg’s misgivings, Hitler was officially appointed as chancellor and sworn in at noon on January 30, 1933. Papen was named as his vice-chancellor, a nomination Hindenburg decided to insist upon to relieve some of his own hesitation with Hitler’s appointment. Longtime Nazi Party member Hermann Gà ¶ring was appointed in the dual roles of Minister of the Interior of Prussia and Minister Without Portfolio. Another Nazi, Wilhelm Frick, was named Minister of the Interior. The End of the Republic Although Hitler would not become the Fà ¼hrer until Hindenburg’s death on August 2, 1934, the downfall of the German republic had officially begun. Over the course of the next 19 months, a variety of events would drastically increase Hitler’s power over the German government and the German military. It would only be a matter of time before Adolf Hitler attempted to assert his power over the entire continent of Europe. Sources and Further Reading Hett, Benjamin Carter. The Death of Democracy: Hitlers Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic. New York: Henry Holt, 2018. Jones, Larry Eugene. Hitler versus Hindenburg: The 1932 Presidential Elections and the End of the Weimar Republic. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 2016. McDonough, Frank. Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party. London: Routledge, 2012. Von Schlabrendorff, Fabian. The Secret War Against Hitler. New York, Routledge, 1994.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Chapels and Chaplains
Chapels and Chaplains Chapels and Chaplains Chapels and Chaplains By Maeve Maddox Because I think of chapel as word with distinctly Christian connotations, I was startled to hear a radio spot announcement for a â€Å"Jewish Funeral Chapel.†Naturally I headed straight for the OED. Chapel has an interesting history and several meanings, including one that can mean â€Å"any place set aside for private worship or meditation.†Chapel derives from Latin cappella, â€Å"little cloak†and took on its religious significance from a saint’s relic: the cloak of Saint Martin of Tours (316-397). Born in Hungary, Martin was conscripted into the Roman army and deployed to Gaul (now France), On his way to Amiens on a cold day, Martin came upon an nearly naked beggar. Impulsively, he whipped off his military cloak, sliced it in two with his sword, and gave half to the beggar. From a big cloak, it had become a little cloak. Martin went on to become Bishop of Tours and a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. The Merovingian kings of FranceClovis, Dagobert, Pepin and that lotpreserved what they believed to be Saint Martin’s capella. They kept it in a reliquary in a royal oratory near Tours. It was considered to be so holy that oaths were sworn on it. Sometimes it was carried into battle by the king. On those occasions, small temporary structures were built to house it; people took to calling these shelters capella, because of the little cloak that lay within. The priest who travelled with the army to look after the relic was called a cappellanu. Eventually, any priest who traveled with the military to attend to their spiritual needs was called by that name, which has evolved into the English word chaplain. A chapel can refer to a free-standing structure or a room in a house, embassy, college, school, prison, funeral home, or any other institution. It can be a place of worship for any religious group. In the 18th century, chapel referred to the meeting houses of sectarians outside the established church, such as Roman Catholics and Methodists. In Silas Marner by George Eliot, the title character belongs to a chapel in an industrial city. Chapel can also mean a religious service. For example, â€Å"All students are required to attend chapel in the auditorium on Thursdays.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to AvoidIn Search of a 4-Dot EllipsisContinue and "Continue on"
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Teachers' Perception of Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12000 words
Teachers' Perception of Leadership - Essay Example However, they all agree that measuring job satisfaction is challenging because teachers are not in harmony with what satisfies them throughout their career. In spite of its difficulty to measure, investigators note that the degree of teacher satisfaction directly affects the school's stability, the quality of instructions and hence the overall climate of the school (Bogler, 2000; Richards, 2003; Woods & Weasmer, 2004). Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Literature Review Researchers examined the various qualities in a principal that are desired by teachers (Haser & Nasse, 2003; Nir & Kranot 2006; Jorissen, 2002; Richards, 2003). Richards (2003) compared the needs in terms of principal's behavior of three groups of teachers - those with 1-5years experience, those with 6 - 10 years and those with 11 years or more of teaching experience. Richards utilized a phenomenological study and discovered that the beginning teachers cited "emotional support and safety" as their main need. Teachers with 6-10 years valued "respect as professionals" as the key element in their job satisfaction while those with more than 10 years regarded "respect for their knowledge and experience" as their chief need (2003, p.12). However, support for the teacher was the main factor in influencing teacher's satisfaction for the entire range of teachers. Richards (2003), like Woods and Weasmer (2004), concluded that teachers at all stages in their career agreed that support in relation to parental confrontations, as well as in student... Researchers examined the various qualities in a principal that are desired by teachers (Haser & Nasse, 2003; Nir & Kranot 2006; Jorissen, 2002; Richards, 2003). Richards (2003) compared the needs in terms of principal’s behavior of three groups of teachers - those with 1-5years experience, those with 6 - 10 years and those with 11 years or more of teaching experience. Richards utilized a phenomenological study and discovered that the beginning teachers cited â€Å"emotional support and safety†as their main need. Teachers with 6-10 years valued â€Å"respect as professionals†as the key element in their job satisfaction while those with more than 10 years regarded â€Å"respect for their knowledge and experience†as their chief need (2003, p.12). However, support for the teacher was the main factor in influencing teacher’s satisfaction for the entire range of teachers. Richards (2003), like Woods and Weasmer (2004), concluded that teachers at all stages in their career agreed that support in relation to parental confrontations, as well as in student discipline were of primary importance for teacher retention and teacher job satisfaction. Other investigators have identified what teachers expect from their administration and their perception of their behavior. Factors affecting teachers’ satisfaction included the attitude of the principals toward them, the satisfaction of informal peer group relationship, freedom in planning work and the opportunity to participate in planning policies which affected them.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Module 3 Case Assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Module 3 Case Assignment - Coursework Example Not only can a manager use linear programming to identify the best mix of products to meet demand while effectively using available resources, or develop a production schedule and inventory policy that meet sales and demand needs. He can also use it to settle for the best distribution plan for shipping products from store to customer. Using linear programming to make quarterly product ordering decisions is referred to as production scheduling. This involves determining how much of each products produced by an organization in order to maximize profits for a given quarter taking into considerations the major constraints which limit feasible decisions (Barlow, & Ebooks Corporation, 2010). Consider Wamboga Limited a company specialized in manufacturing mobile phones. It manufactures two types of mobile phones namely WambogaX30 and WambogaX15.Wamboga limited makes quarterly decision about their product mix. The chief constraints are-: 3. Each mobile phone requires a memory chip WambogaX30 requires 2 chips of 16 GB while WambogaX15 requires a chip of 16 GB. There are 15000 chips available. Each WambogaX30 generates a profit KSH1OOO While each WambogaX15 generates a profit of KSH750. The problem is modeled first. This is done by the use of linear programming. Objectives, decision variables, and constraints are used .The decision variables are a representation of an unknown decision to be made. Each and every linear program has an objective that is either maximize profits or minimize production costs. The object has to be linear in the decision variables, that is, it should be the constraint’s sum times the decision variables. Models are significant since they enable formal description and definition of problems hence allowing simplicity in discovering solutions for optimal decision ideals using a computer. Solutions to models which have only two variables can be found without a computer .This is achieved by drawing the
Monday, January 27, 2020
Traditional Views Of Corporate Social Responsibility
Traditional Views Of Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility is when companies control the business processes to create an overall positive effect on society. Corporate Social Responsibility is the progressing obligation by business to conduct oneself ethically and donate to economic growth while improving the standards of the societys workforce and as well as of the local community and society. ( The need of corporate social responsibility is that it helps in building the brand image of the company which will in turn invite plenty of investors there by increases sales and profit of the company or firm. It is also a duty of every firm to give something in return to the society. CSR acts like a bridge between the firm and society and through this both sides are benefited. Corporate social responsibility can be further explained with Carrolls four part model of corporate social responsibility which includes Philanthropic responsibilities, Ethical responsibilities, Legal responsibilities and Economic responsibilities. Carrolls four-part model of corporate social responsibility Source: Carroll 1991 Philanthropic responsibilities are tasks that are the needs of the society. Philanthropy encompasses those corporate behaviour that are related to societys want that businesses be fine corporate citizens. This incorporates keenly involving in actions or programs to encourage human wellbeing or benevolence. Examples of philanthropy include business aid of monetary resources or exclusive period, such as contributions to the arts, education, or the community. A loaned-executive program that offers headship for a communitys United Way campaign is one illustration of philanthropy. ( Ethical responsibilities are responsibilities that are awaited by the society. Ethics deals with good behaviour of persons and good living. It distinguishes between right and wrong and encourages the notion of good life that is fulfilling and according to moral conduct. Ethical Responsibility is such a kind of responsibility that is a boundary to the concepts of Ethics. These responsibilities are not only to encourage a good living standard for oneself but also for the whole society. Ethical Responsibility is imposed by the moral and social values of a society and not by regulation. ( Legal responsibilities are those responsibilities which are a necessitate of the society. Society has not only authorized business to function according to the turnover motive, at the same time business is likely to obey with the laws and regulations promulgated by federal, state, and local governments as the ground rules under which business must function. As a incomplete fulfilment of the social contract between business and society, firms are likely to follow their fiscal missions within the structure of the law. Legal responsibilities replicate a vision of codified ethics in the sense that they embody basic ideas of reasonable operations as established by lawmakers. They are depicted as the next level on the pyramid to describe their historical improvement, but they are suitably seen as co existing wit economic tasks as basic precepts of the liberated venture scheme. ( Economic responsibilities are those responsibilities which are demanded by the society. Business firms were formed as economic entities intended to offer goods and services to societal members. The profit motive was recognized as the key incentive for private enterprise. The business organization was the basic economic unit in our society. As such, its prime role was to manufacture goods and services that clients required and desired and to build a satisfactory profit in the progression. At some point the idea of the profit motive got transformed into a notion of maximum profits, and this has been an enduring value ever since. All other business tasks are predicated upon the economic liability of the firm, because without it the others become doubtful considerations. ( Stakeholder theory of the firm traditional management mode includes shareholders, customers, firm, suppliers, and employees. The stakeholders may be divided into categories of internal and external stakeholders. The internal stakeholders include employees, owners, and manager. And the external stakeholders include shareholders, society, suppliers, government, customers and creditors. The above question is mainly based on the external stakeholders which emphasis on shareholders and society. Case study of Shell refining company in relation to CSR both traditional and new view Shell Refining Company Shell Company offers to the principle of sustainable development that sees to the requirements of the current situation without compromising the ability of future situation to encounter their own desires. Being part of Shell, this Company offers to the same principle of sustainable development. Shells practices are associated with the systematic approach adopted by Royal Dutch Shell plc in their own pains to employ strength, security and environmental management practices. Their behaviour are governed by the desire to make business decisions that give weight age to their sense of economic, social and environmental responsibilities and by which our stakeholders and society can hold us answerable. Shell refining company are dedicated to serving its stakeholders in order to advance their quality of existence whereas concurrently contributing to Malaysias progression and its Vision 2020 goals and aims. ( The role of shareholders and society in a traditional point of view was mainly associated with mere business ethics. It is the first hit on an offshore provision, formerly thought secure in spite of a wave of inshore attacks. The emergency shutdown might have damaged equipment, which would have to be repaired. The raid took place on the Bonga oil platform about 120km (75 miles) off the coast of the Niger Delta. Shell has also been blamed for an oil spill in the Ogoni region of the Delta. Oil is gushing from disused pipes deserted by the company when it left the region nearly 15 years ago, following local protests. Attacks on the inshore Niger Delta have helped drive up world oil prices and previously cut Nigerias output by about 20%. ( Shareholders made sure that every action of theirs will be ethical which would be fair, moral, principled and decent decisions towards the company. Shell companys shareholders in the traditional point of view were ethical as in they told their directors not to let the oil wastages in the river at Nigeria as there were wastes being dumped in the river which in turn were affecting the people of Nigeria. The society in turn defended itself. The Shareholders offer its customers with solutions and a diversity of energy products, materials and services, which get together their requirements. Cost-effectively and does not cause damage to the environment. They work to convince them that their performance and society holds up for us, do not direct to untenable social differences but create prosperity, which paybacks society as a whole. They also work to persuade them that there is a clear path for the future expansion of their industry, which will gain the next generation. Shareholders fabricate and sustain a culture of knowledge and modernism in which employees can fulfil their potential and meet the most demanding of goals meanwhile enjoying what is being done. It is a culture where the leaders are being motivated to instigate others through personal example, and where the values of honesty, integrity, respect for people, trust, openness, teamwork and professionalism, can flourish. The companies forces meets the challenges of the new millennium with a view to serving people build a enhanced globe. Therefore, they will persist to invest in projects that exploit superlative equipment, research and expansion within the highest Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) standards. ( Traditional view of Shell Company Finance Enduring productivity is necessary to achieve business objectives and to sustained development. It is a measure, both of effectiveness and of the worth that customers position on Shell products and services. It provides the essential business funds for the progressing investment that is necessary to extend and create future energy supplies to convene customer wants. Only through profits and a well-built financial base, it would be possible to fulfil tasks. Rivalry Free enterprise is being supported by Shell companies. They look for fair competence and ethics and within the framework of applicable competition laws and they will not avoid others from competing freely with them. Trade veracity Shell companies persist on sincerity, integrity and justice in all aspects of their business and with whomever they deal with. Any kind of direct or indirect form of bribes where there is an offer, payment and acceptance of them is not acceptable. Payments with regards to facilitation are also bribes and are not granted. Every business dealings on behalf of a Shell company must be reflected precisely and moderately in the accounts of the company in accordance with established procedures and are subject to audit and disclosure. Political actions Shell companies operate in a communally accountable manner within the laws of the countries in which we operate in pursuit of our legitimate commercial objectives. No payments are made to political parties, organizations or their representatives by Shell company. They do not participate in party politics. However, when associated with governments, Shell companies have the right and the conscientiousness to make our position known on any matters which affect us, our employees, our customers, our shareholders or local communities in a manner which is in accord with our standards and the business values. Safety, Health, Security and the Environment Shell companies have an orderly approach to health, safety, security and environmental management so that incessant performance development can be achieved. Shell companies also handle these issues as significant business actions, set principles and goals for development, and compute, assess and report performance outwardly. There is a constant check to reduce the environmental collision of our operations, goods and services. Local Communities Shell companies aspire to be excellent neighbours by constantly recovering the traditions in which they donate directly or indirectly to the universal happiness of the communities within which they work. Management of social effects of business activities in a cautious manner and work with others to improve the reimbursements to local communities, and to mitigate any negative effects from their activities. Shell companies also take a productive concern in societal matters, directly or indirectly related to their business. Communication and commitment Shell companies distinguish that usually conversation and commitment with stakeholders is essential. They are dedicated to reporting of performance by providing full relevant data to lawfully involved parties, subject to any overruling considerations of business privacy. In interactions with employees, business partners and local communities, they look for to listening and responding with sincerity and dedication. Observance Shell Company complies with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate with. ( New view of Shell Company No damage to people Shell Company are truly dedicated to pursuing the aim of no damage to people or property as an outcome of their actions. They make sure that there will no one victimised from their operations. Business for Safety Shell Company persistently believes that a well-built safety society is necessary for business. So, they continue to motivate a customs of ownership and individual accountability for safety and health at the workplace all through the firm. Throughout 2006, they sustained to take on the ordered functioning of HSSE Management Systems with specific improvements reflected via key performance indicators (KPIs). Behaviour-Based Safety Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) was initiated to all refinery workers as well as the in-house contractor by an exterior adviser. The programme began in November 2004 and all workforces were trained by 2005. A group of BBS Observers were educated to conduct observations and offer reports to the focal safety manager. A web based checklist for the BBS observers was launched and the conclusion are being analysed to ensure continuous improvements in safety behaviour. Overall, there are many positive indications that the BBS programme will offer additional marked improvement in our safety performance. In 2006, the observations contained in BBS observers database are being analysed by a specialist to give earning basis in preparing HSSE programmes and drives. Environment Protection They are dedicated to shielding the environment. Company minimises the effect of its actions to the environment by setting extremely demanding development targets to increasingly diminish emissions and discharges. These efforts all fall in line with Malaysian legislations, Shell Group Strategic Objectives and other connected global conventions. Complaints from public It is the right of all citizens to find fault if and when any actions bother any citizens daily livelihood. They take all complaints acutely and each is recognized and filed to make sure timely action and response is assured. Usually, all complaints will be responded right away and stopped within 48 hours. If this is not possible, the complainant will be provided a cause for the hold-up and will be advised as to when to wait for a response. In 2006, your company recorded seven public complaints, compared to five recorded in 2005. The complaints were mainly related to odour and noise, which duty officers punctually responded to and the suitable remedial activities taken. Complaints are also discussed at the Community Dialogue sessions that take place frequently. ( The following are some activities conducted by Shell Company towards the new view of CSR. They are as follows SOCIAL PERFORMANCE PLAN Social Performance (SP) in Shell Group is the word used to explain how one manages the effect of business on the communities and societies in which they function. As part of the Shell Group guidelines, Company has developed and executed its SP Plan, which aims to boost social performance levels in a prearranged approach. Company and its stakeholders rise to gain from practical commitment on evidently drawn-up matters. BENEFITS COMMUNITIES Shell Company is a key associate of Port Dickson community. They are continuously looking for suitable ways to give to the social well being of the neighbourhood and to the wider public, which grant your Company its licence to function and nurture. BIODIVERSITY All Companies including Shell Company play an important when it comes with societal aspect as they have a role to play in shielding and supporting biodiversity. As an dynamic contributing member of society, Shell takes this task very sincerely. ( Multiplicity and completeness of Shell Company An organisation with a forward thinking motive, Shell Company appreciates that the whole is forever more than the sum of its parts. They also know the significance of accommodating differences and distinguish people for who they are while acknowledging the significance of their offerings. Merely by recognising and considerating the differences inbuilt in individuals, one can want to plug the various talents of pool of diverse people. Besides accommodating multiplicity in the workplace, one can optimise human resource ability and sharpen the dormant talents and skills of cosmopolitan labour force. Multiplicity encompasses noticeable dissimilarities in conditions of gender, age, nationality and physical ability; as well as delicate fundamental differences in terms of education, experience, religion, work styles, way of thoughts and communications. Completeness, on the other hand, refers to a place of work where diversity, both noticeable and delicate, is appreciated and where individuals are given the chance to expand skills and talents unfailing with organisational values and business objectives. Their recognition of diversity and inclusiveness means that the Company today has a diverse and multi-talented labour force comprising 300 employees of five nationalities, of which 89% are male and 11% female. Among the management team, the ratio is more unbiased with the male composition at 56% and the female composition at 44%. They are also glad to account that the Companys labour force now possess its first female plant manager. ( Growing together, people matter to the Company. Their sense of economic, social and environmental responsibility is reflected in devotion to meeting todays needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their requirements. Conclusion CSR communication in Switzerland is a well-established exercise amongst top companies. Its prospect lies on a concrete foundation. In fact, top companies are regarded as by a mainly Anglo-Saxon approach that is active and optimistic. Three major areas of development have been recognized. Firstly, companies can increase from a more decisive assortment of the social issues to be communicated. Secondly, a key periphery of upgrading can take place by managing key publics, such as customers, shareholders, and the financial community mainly by investing in the precise channels to arrive at them. Finally, top companies in Switzerland may benefit from adopting international coverage values. This examination has also shown the importance of understanding the cultural determinants of CSR. In this regard, more research is certainly required, especially to better comprehend differences in behaviours concerning CSR communication that may come up in multicultural contexts, a appropriate feature i n the European context, and for cosmopolitan companies functioning in diverse enlightening environments. (Birth, Illia, Lurati and Zamparini, 2008). CSR is also concluded that expertises essential by CSR managers do differ due to the assorted disciplines concerned and also the intricacy of the roles and tasks of a CSR plan. There are no precise credentials necessary for this ground. As the ground is recent, convertible skills and facts from other associated specializations such as environmental administration, business morals, transmit of equipment, human resource management and community growth are appreciated. Thereby the skills necessary by CSR managers are known as business skills, people skills and technical skills; and the precise skills necessary are further determined by the mission and vision of the organizations where the CSR managers hand round. CSR organizations in many budding countries including Malaysia consist of local and international firms. Per se, this examination advices that relative studies should be conducted on the differences between strategies adopted by the two firms in terms of emphases and point of r eferences in CSR, the precise roles of CSR programs to community and society at large, and specific business, people as well as technical skills that the CSR managers should own. It is also advised that studies on how CSR firms struggle during the nearby economic disaster are valuable to get on. On the other hand, they have to be conscious of the reality that moving in the direction of achieving firms economic objectives ought to be devoid of jeopardizing the social objectives. ( Ismail, 2009).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Buju Banton :: Essays Papers
Buju Banton His voice is thunderous and piercing. With each lyric, he pounds away at our psyche and makes our bodies shake with rhythm. He has become the crown prince of Dancehall reggae in Jamaica, and is a force to be reckoned with in the Jamaican music scene. He is young, but mature and powerful, and his name is Buju Banton. Born Mark Anthony Myrie on July 15, 1973, Buju Banton has used his lyrical skills and pounding voice to take Dancehall by storm. He combines his own musical influences with those of Burro Banton and Bob Marley to achieve a sound and beat that is bringing generations of reggae listeners together for an enjoyable experience. He owns the audience with his lyrics and his stage presence, and is forming both a musical and cultural movement that is taking over Jamaica. ( One of 15 children born to a street vendor inside Trenchtown, Banton lived in poverty for most of his upbringing. A direct descendant of the Maroons, his chubby appearance earned him the nickname of Buju, the Maroon name for breadfruit. His last name is a tribute to another reggae legend, Burro Banton, as well as the name for talented storytellers, from which much of his influence is derived. Buju entered the Jamaican music scene at age 12, where he was known as the â€Å"Lambada Man†of the Dancehall, working with the Sweet Love and Rambo Mango sound systems. In 1986, DJ Clement Irie introduced Banton to producer Robert French, who produced his debut single, â€Å" The Ruler.†At the age of 15, Banton had already worked with artists like Bunny Lee and Red Dragon. He was destined for success in the Dancehalls. In 1991, he met producer Dave Kelly of Penthouse Studios, and debuted on the label with 1992’s Mr. Mention, which broke all sales records on the island, including those of Bob Marley. With songs like Love Mi Browning, where he professed his attraction to light-skinned women, caused an uproar among the dark-skinned Jamaican women who viewed such comments as an insult towards their looks. He made up for his remarks, however, with the song Love Black Woman, and demonstrated that he had love for everyone in his repertoire.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Gloria Jeans Resarch Proposal Essay
Gloria Jeans started as a small coffee and gift shop in Chicago, USA in 1979. However, it wasn’t until 1995 that the company would become an Australian favourite, when the company was bought out by two Australian business men travelling in the USA. Today, Gloria Jeans operates over 1,000 coffee houses in 39 countries, but it is in Australia they are best known and loved, with over 460 coffee houses in Australia. Gloria Jeans has evolved from a simple coffee house into a specialty store, offering many different types of coffee, cakes and cold drinks. The market is highly competitive, and Gloria Jeans targets a younger demographic (peoples aged 18-25). Although successful, Gloria Jeans has been struck hard by giant competitors such as Starbucks and Au Bon Pain entering the Australian market, where Gloria Jeans has historically remained on top. Due to this, the company has decided to perform research to determine the preferences of their consumers, and to allow them to ensure their product mix is appropriate for their current customer base. Research Topic From the background information, the following research problem has been identified: To identify the types of customers that frequent Gloria Jeans coffee houses, to identify the types of products they purchase or are interested in purchasing, to determine the perceived quality of the products offered and to identify the patronage patterns of customers. The primary aim will be to determine the buying behaviour of Gloria Jeans customers, their perception of the products offered, if they prefer to drink coffee in house or take-away, and if the products offered are appropriate for the customers. As well as this, the company also wishes to determine the demographic features of its customers. Research Objectives The overall objective of the research is ‘to identify the consumption behaviour of Gloria Jeans’ customers’. This has been broken into the following three research objectives: 1) To determine the number of people who drink coffee, the frequency of their intake and whether do they prefer in-house or take-away coffee. 2) To identify whether the products available at Gloria Jeans are appropriate for the target market. 3) To examine customer attitude towards Gloria Jeans and its competitors in regards to product range, quality and comparability with competitors. These objectives aim to focus the research on the key areas identified and allow the development of a strategic research plan.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Industry Profile Of India Milk - 828 Words
...or paste your text here CHAPTER 2 INDUSTRY PROFILE DIARY INDUSTRY In India milk is considered as one of the important need for dairy flow of life. The milk is consumed by both rural urban people.every year there is growth rate in milk . most of the Indians customers prefer milk for dialy use of addiction tea coffee.milk is considered as nutritional value for vitamin D, the middle person agent who delivers milk to the customers home.some of the milk is delivered through chains NDDB(Nationall diary development board) HISTORY: dr. verghese kurien is the founder of white revolution .NDDB came in to existence in 1965, the objective is to increase milk production .the services provided are planning of diary developing co-operative society,training the manpower .the milk is marketed by 170 co-operative milk producers .NDDB has co-operatives like commodity co-operatives veternary care intensive. SERVICES RENDERED BY NDDB: Planning dairy and rural development projects. Organization of farmer co-operative societies. Setting up of dairy and cattle feed plants. Manpower planning and training. Applied research and development. Implementation of milk production enchantment programmed. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The increasing competition in market for milk milk products is creating very difficult scenario for organization like KMF to sustain the position in the market, hence this study is to analyze the awareness of consumersShow MoreRelatedIndian Dairy Industry- Swot776 Words  | 4 Pages2009, import of milk and other dairy products was only Rs 75.86 crore. | The dairy products imports mainly comprise skimmed milk powder and butter oil brought in by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) to meet shortfall in milk procurement of its subsidiary, Mother Dairy, and other co-operatives. With their procurement lagging behind, liquid milk supplies have been affected in many States. 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